Rail News

Rail Madad: All In One Railway Helpline Number ‘139’

Rail News: The Rail Madad helpline number 139 will take over all the existing railway helpline numbers so that the process becomes easier and convenient for users to connect with railway authorities during the train journey.


Rail Madad Helpline: To overcome the inconvenience over multiple Railway helpline numbers for grievances and enquiry during the train journey, Indian Railways has integrated all railway helplines number into a single number, ‘139’ (Rail Madad Helpline) for fast grievance redressal and general enquiry during travel.


Rail Madad: One Rail One Helpline



According to a statement shared by the Ministry of Railways, the new railway helpline ‘139’ will take over all the existing helpline numbers of railways, so that the process becomes easier for travellers to connect with railway authorities for all their needs and enquiries during the journey. Many grievances helplines number of Indian railways were discontinued by railway authorities last year. Now, Railway Helpline ‘182’ would also be discontinued from 1 April 2021 and merged into ‘139’.


The integrated Rail Madad Helpline number ‘139’ will be available for users in a total of twelve languages, including Hindi, English, Oriya, Bangla, and others. Additionally, Railway passengers can also opt for the Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS) or can directly connect to the customer care executive by pressing the asterisk (*) symbol on mobile. The integrated service is user friendly, and there is no need to use a smartphone to connect with the Rail Madad number ‘139’. The feature of the Rail Madad Services aims to provide easy access to all mobile users. 


Rail Madad: Menu of 139 Rail Madad Helpline Number (IVRS)



Here is the menu of the ‘139’ Helpline (IVRS) is as follows:


  • Press 1 for security and medical emergency, which connects to a customer care executive.
  • Press 2 for general railway enquiry, and in the submenu, all the information regarding arrival or departure of the train, PNR status, system ticket cancellation, ticket booking, accommodation, ticket price, wake up alarm facility, meal booking, destination alert, wheelchair booking can be obtained.
  • Press 4 for general complaints.
  • Press 5 for vigilance related complaints.
  • Press 6 for Parcel and Goods related queries.
  • Press 7 for IRCTC operated trains queries.
  • Press 9 for the status of complaints.
  • Press *( asterisk) symbol for talking to call centre executive.


According to the Ministry of Railways, it may be noted that on an average basis, railway helpline number 139 receives enquiry approximately 3,44,513 calls or SMS every day. Railway Ministry has also launched a social media campaign #OneRailOneHelpline139 to inform and educate the passengers.


Rail Madad: Railway Complaint Register Methods


There are three ways to register our complaints through Rail Madad that is Website, App, SMS and Helpline number 139.


Rail Madad: How to Register a Complaint Through Rail Madad App or Site


  • Open the Rail Madad website or download Rail Madad App and login with your credentials.
  • If you don’t have an account, then create one; otherwise, you can login via the Guest User.
  • Then enter your mobile number or email id.
  • After that, you will get an OTP in your mobile or email id, and this OTP is valid only for 15 minutes.
  • Enter OTP and click the next button then a page will open.
  • This page contains Train Complaints, Station Complaints, Track your Concerns, Suggestions.
  • You can select any option as per your issue.
  • Then you can upload your complaints in the specified space. The help forum is to send photographs in making it possible to evaluate the actual situation of the complaint.
  • Rail Madad app provides complaint information to the field officers of the division.


Also Read: Best Ways to Register Complaints with Indian Railways


Rail Madad: How to Register a Complaint Through SMS


  • There is a method to lodge a complaint via SMS.
  • Passenger can write a message ‘MADAD space your complaint’ and SMS it to 139.


Rail Madad: How to Register a Complaint Through Call



Complaints can be lodged over the phone on the integrated Rail Madad helpline number 139.


Also Read: 139 Integration of Railway Helpline Numbers into a Single Number


Rail Madad: Lodge Suggestion


Passengers can lodge suggestion related to New Train, New Stoppage, Passenger Amenities, Freight Services, High-Speed Rail Travel, Infusing Technology, Reducing Carbon Footprint and others.


Rail Madad: Track Complaint


Passengers can track the live status of their complaint by clicking on the ‘Track Complaint’ button after login to the Rail Madad Portal.


Rail Madad Features


  1. There are three platforms available to lodge complaints such as Rail Madad App, Website, SMS and Helpline number 139.
  2. Complaints lodged on the Web or Apps can be tracked on both of them.
  3. Complaints lodged through SMS, or Helpline number 139 can be tracked only on their respective channels.
  4. Passengers can attach file only in .jpg, .jpeg, and .png format along with the complaint or suggestion.
  5. The length of the complaint should be less than a thousand characters.
  6. We cannot reopen the complaint if the complaint is not satisfied with the resolution provided by railways.
  7. Passengers can enter a PNR number within five days after the boarding time for train complaints.
  8. Users later can change the contact details and password of Rail Madad. 
  9. Once a complaint or suggestion has been submitted, no modification or change can be made, but a fresh complaint or suggestion can be lodged.
  10. After receiving the message of the resolution, passengers can post the feedback through the link.


All-in-One Railway App – RailMitra


For the latest Indian railway news and updates, you can follow Rail News on RailMitra! Along with that, passengers can also use RailMitra e-catering app for online food delivery in train and check the train schedule, PNR status and seat availability in train.

Author: Nisha Singh

Nisha Singh is a travel blogger with a dream to explore the world and meet amazing people. She has been blogging since 2019 and considers it as the most enriching experience of her life. She loves to share her travel experiences. She is currently working

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Author: Nisha Singh

Nisha Singh is a travel blogger with a dream to explore the world and meet amazing people. She has been blogging since 2019 and considers it as the most enriching experience of her life. She loves to share her travel experiences. She is currently working