Live Station Status - Check Indian Railways Live Train Arrival and Departure
Check Live Station Status from RailMitra
RailMitra helps you check all trains passing through a station in the next 2, 4 and 8 hours with its ‘Live Station Status’ feature. You can get the list of all upcoming trains arriving at a station as well as departing to a certain station in the next 2, 4 and 8 hours from RailMitra. You can easily get full details of the live station status at your fingertips with the RailMitra app.
With RailMitra, you can find details of the train number, train name, source station name, destination station name, expected time of arrival, expected time of departure, expected platform number at the source station, whether the train is the right time or there is a delay in arrival and departure.
Whenever you need to check the upcoming trains on a particular station on the same day, you can get complete information from RailMitra about the trains coming to and leaving from a particular source station in the next 2, 4 or 8 hours.
What is Live Station Status?
Live station status helps you find out the details of upcoming trains on a particular station in real-time. Upon checking the ‘Live Station’ feature, you can get a list of trains that will be coming to a particular station on the same day within a short duration of time. The Live station status feature proves useful when you want to plan your trip the same day in the next 2, 4 or 8 hours from a particular station.
Indian Railways Live Train Arrival and Departure Status
You can easily check Indian Railways live arrival and departure status of trains on a station in real-time from RailMitra. Find out trains arriving to or departing from a station with current train delay status, expected platform number for all trains with their respective expected time of arrival and departure. RailMitra provides the exact and accurate details on the arrival and departure of trains. A passenger can accordingly plan their journey and save ample time if the train is late.
Find the List of Trains Arriving to or Departing from a Station
Using RailMitra, you can find the list of trains arriving to or departing from the station in the next:
- 2 hours
- 4 hours
- 8 hours
How to Find Live Station Status Online
- Visit RailMitra Website or download the RailMitra app from the Google play store.
- Navigate to the section of “Live Station Arrv/Dep”.
- Enter the desired “FROM STATION”: It is the source station of the train. The passenger has to enter the name of the station and the system auto-fetches the name of stations.
- Enter the desired “TO STATION”: It is the destination station of the train. Type the station name in the box and auto-suggest station name will appear.
- Select the desired “Within hours” section: Select the range of time within which you want to search for the train. The interface has three timings to select from - 2 hours or 4 hours or 8 hours. The passengers can check the status of the train scheduled to arrive within two hours, four hours and eight hours and plan accordingly.
- A list of trains will appear with details of the expected time of arrival and departure and the platform number.
What Details Can Be Found Upon Checking Station Live Status?
Upon checking the live station status from RailMitra, you can find a list of trains arriving in the selected time duration with the following details:
- Train Name
- Train Number
- Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA)
- Estimated Time of Departure (ETD)
- The Status of the Train – Right time or delayed
- Expected Platform Number
Live Station Status from RailMitra App
RailMitra app is a one-touch railway app for checking the live station status of Indian railways. Download the app to get the list of upcoming trains arriving or departing from a station in the next 2, 4 or 8 hours in real-time. Stay informed about the delays in the running status of upcoming trains at the station to plan your journey efficiently.
What Factors Affect the Delays of a Train?
Few factors that may affect the delays of a train include:
- Rainy or Foggy Weather: Sometimes the loco pilots have to limit the train speed due to bad weather conditions like heavy rain, fog, or when the trains have to cross from a route facing any natural calamity like landslides or flood. These natural conditions generally delay the train by 8-10 hours.
- Mechanical or Technical Fault: The second reason to train delays can be any technical default in the engine or any mechanical problems in the train. Undoubtedly, it will affect the train running status and arrival/departures.
- Overheating of Tracks: Soaring temperature leads to overheating of the railway tracks and their expansion. It is a sign of danger as the probability of ‘track buckling’ becomes high. It takes hours and the train might be delayed for three-four hours as the tracks cool down.
- Maintenance of the Trains: Maintenance of train engines and coach is a tedious task. There are chances for the delay of the train by an hour or two due to ongoing maintenance work.
- Disturbances on Track: There are instances like trees falling on the tracks, large stones on the way etc. which may delay the train by hours.
Railway Enquiry Features of RailMitra App: All-in-one Railway App
RailMitra is an all-in-one railway app with useful features for every Indian railway passengers. RailMitra app helps you along your train journey with its railway enquiry features of:
- Order Food in Train – Get online food delivery in train through RailMitra
- PNR Status – Check live PNR status by entering 10-digits PNR number
- Train Schedule – Check live train time table online using RailMitra
- Train Live Status – Check live train running status online by entering train name
- Train Between Stations – Check upcoming train between stations through RailMitra
- Live Station Arrival and Departure – Check live arrival and departure status of trains between stations in the next 2, 4, and 8 hours
- Seat Availability – Check to train seat availability online
- Fare Enquiry – Get train ticket fare details online of any train in any class
- Station Details – Enter station name to get train schedule and time table
- Rail News – Read the latest railway news and stay updated
- Hotel by Hour – Book Hourly Hotels Near Railway Station
Download RailMitra, an all-in-one railway app from Google Play Store to order food on train and avail railway enquiry services on the go, such as checking PNR status, train time table, train between stations, train seat availability, train fare enquiry and more.