Find all Train Time Table Between Two Stations

Indian Railway Train Timetable Between Two Stations
Indian railway train enquiry between two stations provides a list of all available trains running on the particular route. By checking the trains between stations online, you can get an overview of trains scheduled on your travel route through a website or an app.
IRCTC train enquiry between two Railway stations helps train passengers plan their journey well by comparing the train seat availability in different classes of different trains on the given route.
How to Find Train Between Two Railway Stations?
You can quickly find trains between two stations from RailMitra website or RailMitra App on Google Playstore.
- Visit RailMitra website or download RailMitra App from Google Play Store.
- Navigate to “Train B/W Stations”
- Enter From Station, To Station, and Journey Date and tap on “Check Trains”
- You will get a list of trains running on a particular route with details of the arrival and departure time.
What Information Do We Get By Checking Train Between Two Railway Stations?
When you check the train between two stations from RailMitra, you can get the list of all the trains running between the two stations, along with the following information:
- Train Number
- Train Name
- Origin
- Departure Time
- Destination
- Arrival Time
- Travel Time
- Days of Run
- Classes
Frequently Asked Questions Related to Indian Railway Trains Between Stations
1) How to Check Trains between Stations Online?
You can check train between stations online through the RailMitra website or app. Navigate to the “Trains B/W Stations” section on RailMitra and enter the “From Station”, “To Station” and Journey Date. It will render a table with a list of trains between two stations.
2) How Can I Check Train Status between Stations from RailMitra Website?
In order to check trains between stations and their time table, follow these steps:
- Visit the RailMitra website
- Navigate to “Trains B/W Stations”
- Enter “From” & “To” Stations by entering the first 3 letters of the station and selecting the station name and code from the drop-down menu.
- You will be able to check train between stations from a list of available trains.
3) How Is Indian Railway Train Enquiry Between Two Railway Stations Helpful?
Indian Railway train enquiry between two stations helps one to check the list of all available trains on a particular route. Railway passengers can check the train seat availability in a particular train within their preferred class of travel, and plan their train journey accordingly. Indian Railways keeps launching new trains on a route and discontinuing old trains. Passengers can stay up to date with the information of all the currently available trains on a particular route by checking trains between stations.
4) How Can I Check List Of IRCTC Train Between Stations?
You can check the list of IRCTC train between stations from the RailMitra website or app. From the home page, navigate to the “Trains between stations” page and enter the source and destination station name or code in the given box along with the preferred date of journey. It will show you the list of trains between two stations on the given date along with the arrival and departure time. You can check the train seat availability between stations from RailMitra to plan your journey in the best way.
5) If There Is More Than One Station in a City, Which Station Will I Have to Choose?
If there are multiple stations in a city, you can choose any of the given stations from the list to check trains between stations. RailMitra will include the list of trains originating and terminating at different Railway stations of the city in the list.
Railway Enquiries and Services through RailMitra App
RailMitra is an all-in-one railway app with useful features for every Indian railway passengers. RailMitra app helps you along your train journey with its railway enquiry features of:
- Order Food in Train – Get online food delivery in train through RailMitra
- PNR Status – Check live PNR status by entering 10-digits PNR number
- Train Schedule – Check live train time table online using RailMitra
- Train Live Status – Check live train running status online by entering train name
- Train Between Stations – Check upcoming train between stations through RailMitra
- Live Station Arrival and Departure – Check live arrival and departure status of trains between stations in the next 2, 4, and 8 hours
- Seat Availability – Check to train seat availability online
- Fare Enquiry – Get train ticket fare details online of any train in any class
- Station Details – Enter station name to get train schedule and time table
- Rail News – Read the latest railway news and stay updated
- Hotel by Hour – Book Hourly Hotels Near Railway Station
Download RailMitra, an all-in-one railway app from Google Play Store to order food in train and avail railway enquiry services on the go, such as checking PNR status, train time table, train between stations, train seat availability, train fare enquiry and more.