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Ghazipur City Railway Station (GCT)

Ghazipur City Railway Station (GCT) is a major railway station well-connected to all the main cities in India. Check the seat availability, fare, and time table of all trains running from Ghazipur City Railway Station. Besides that, you can also check the PNR status for your train ticket on RailMitra.

There are 10 trains originating, 71 trains passing and 10 trains terminating at Ghazipur City Railway Station. All the important trains, including Rajadhani, and Duronto originate and terminate from this station.

Ghazipur City Railway Station | (GCT) | TIME TABLE

Trains Originating from Ghazipur City Railway Station | (GCT)

Train No.Train NameArrival TimeDeparture TimeClassesDays Of RunAction
02219SUHAILDEV SF SPLSource17:20SUHAILDEV SF SPLShow Availability
02233GCT ANVT SPECIALSource15:00GCT ANVT SPECIALShow Availability
03122GCT KOAA EXP SPLSource13:55GCT KOAA EXP SPLShow Availability
09042GCT BDTS SPLSource19:30GCT BDTS SPLShow Availability
13122 GCT KOAA EXPSource13:55 GCT KOAA EXPShow Availability
14611 GCT SVDK EXPSource08:30 GCT SVDK EXPShow Availability
20942 GCT BDTS SF EXPSource19:30 GCT BDTS SF EXPShow Availability
22324 SHABD BHEDI SFSource23:15 SHABD BHEDI SFShow Availability
22419 SUHAILDEV SFASTSource17:20 SUHAILDEV SFASTShow Availability
22433 GCT ANVT SF EXPSource15:00 GCT ANVT SF EXPShow Availability
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Trains Passing from Ghazipur City Railway Station | (GCT)

Train No.Train NameArrival TimeDeparture TimeClassesDays Of RunAction
01033DBG FESTIVAL SPL21:1021:15DBG FESTIVAL SPLShow Availability
01034DBG PUNE SPL1:201:25DBG PUNE SPLShow Availability
01061LTT JYG SPL14:0714:12LTT JYG SPLShow Availability
01062JYG LTT SPL22:3022:35JYG LTT SPLShow Availability
02561JYG NDLS SPL3:033:05JYG NDLS SPLShow Availability
02562SWATANTRTA S SPL9:309:35SWATANTRTA S SPLShow Availability
02669MAS CPR EXP6:336:38MAS CPR EXPShow Availability
02670GANGAKAVERI SPL23:1523:20GANGAKAVERI SPLShow Availability
04007RXL ANVT SPL9:009:05RXL ANVT SPLShow Availability
04008SADHBHAWNA SPL10:4510:50SADHBHAWNA SPLShow Availability
04015RXL ANVT SPL9:009:05RXL ANVT SPLShow Availability
04016SADHBHAWNA SPL10:4510:50SADHBHAWNA SPLShow Availability
04017RXL ANVT SPL9:009:05RXL ANVT SPLShow Availability
04018ANVT RXL SPL12:0012:05ANVT RXL SPLShow Availability
04533HARIHAR EXP SPL13:1013:15HARIHAR EXP SPLShow Availability
04534HARIHAR EXP SPL17:0017:05HARIHAR EXP SPLShow Availability
05115DLI FESTIVL SPL13:3513:40DLI FESTIVL SPLShow Availability
05116CPR FESTIVAL SPL10:1010:15CPR FESTIVAL SPLShow Availability
05159CPR DURG SPL10:0510:10CPR DURG SPLShow Availability
05160DURG CPR SPL18:0018:05DURG CPR SPLShow Availability
05231BJU G SPL17:2517:30BJU G SPLShow Availability
05232GONDIA BJU SPL22:3022:35GONDIA BJU SPLShow Availability
05267RXL LTT SPL1:201:25RXL LTT SPLShow Availability
05268LTT RXL SPECIAL21:1021:15LTT RXL SPECIALShow Availability
05559DBG ADI SPL1:201:25DBG ADI SPLShow Availability
05560ADI DBG SPECIAL0:500:55ADI DBG SPECIALShow Availability
05933NTSK ASR EXPRESS19:5019:55NTSK ASR EXPRESSShow Availability
05934ASR DBRG EXP SPL17:0017:05ASR DBRG EXP SPLShow Availability
09305DADN KYQ SPL13:0013:05DADN KYQ SPLShow Availability
09306KYQ DADN SPL2:302:35KYQ DADN SPLShow Availability
15560JANSADARAN EXP0:500:55JANSADARAN EXPShow Availability
15268LTT RXL EXPRESS21:1021:15LTT RXL EXPRESSShow Availability
15559JANSADHARAN EXP01:2001:25JANSADHARAN EXPShow Availability
05084FBD CPR SPL22:5022:45FBD CPR SPLShow Availability
07652CPR J FEST SPL00:2500:20CPR J FEST SPLShow Availability
04055BUI ANVT SF SPL14:5515:00BUI ANVT SF SPLShow Availability
04056ANVT BUI SUP SPL08:2508:30ANVT BUI SUP SPLShow Availability
07651J CPR SPL02:4002:50J CPR SPLShow Availability
09525OKHA NHLN SPL12:4012:45OKHA NHLN SPLShow Availability
09526NHLN OKHA SPL11:2511:30NHLN OKHA SPLShow Availability
11033 DARBHANGA EXP21:1021:15 DARBHANGA EXPShow Availability
11034 DBG PUNE EXP01:0501:10 DBG PUNE EXPShow Availability
11061LTT JAYNAGAR EX14:0714:12LTT JAYNAGAR EXShow Availability
11062 JYG LTT EXP22:3022:35 JYG LTT EXPShow Availability
12561 SWATANTRA S EXP02:5503:00 SWATANTRA S EXPShow Availability
12562 SWTANTRTA S EXP09:3009:35 SWTANTRTA S EXPShow Availability
12669 GANGAKAVERI EXP06:3506:40 GANGAKAVERI EXPShow Availability
12670 GANGAKAVERI EXP23:1023:15 GANGAKAVERI EXPShow Availability
14007 SADBHAVANA EXP09:0009:05 SADBHAVANA EXPShow Availability
14008 SADHBHAWNA EXP10:4510:50 SADHBHAWNA EXPShow Availability
14015 SADBHAVANA EXP09:0009:05 SADBHAVANA EXPShow Availability
14016 SADHBHAWNA EXP10:4510:50 SADHBHAWNA EXPShow Availability
14017 SADBHAVANA EXP09:0009:05 SADBHAVANA EXPShow Availability
14018 SADBHAVNA EXP12:0012:05 SADBHAVNA EXPShow Availability
14523 HARIHAR EXP12:5012:55 HARIHAR EXPShow Availability
14524 HARIHAR EXPRESS17:0017:05 HARIHAR EXPRESSShow Availability
15053 CPR LJN EXPRESS21:5321:55 CPR LJN EXPRESSShow Availability
15054 LJN CPR EXPRESS07:5007:55 LJN CPR EXPRESSShow Availability
15115 CPR DLI EXP13:3013:35 CPR DLI EXPShow Availability
15116 DLI CPR EXPRESS10:1010:15 DLI CPR EXPRESSShow Availability
15159 SARNATH EXPRESS09:4509:50 SARNATH EXPRESSShow Availability
15160 SARNATH EXP18:0018:05 SARNATH EXPShow Availability
15231 BJU GONDIA EXP17:2517:30 BJU GONDIA EXPShow Availability
15232 GONDIA BJU EXP22:3022:35 GONDIA BJU EXPShow Availability
15267 JANSADHARAN EXP01:1001:15 JANSADHARAN EXPShow Availability
15933 NTSK ASR EXPRESS19:5520:00 NTSK ASR EXPRESSShow Availability
15934 ASR NTSK EXP17:0017:05 ASR NTSK EXPShow Availability
19305 DADN KYQ EXP13:0013:05 DADN KYQ EXPShow Availability
19306 KYQ DADN EXP02:0002:05 KYQ DADN EXPShow Availability
22427 BHRIGU SUP. EXP23:1023:15 BHRIGU SUP. EXPShow Availability
22428 BHRIGU SF EXP12:3512:40 BHRIGU SF EXPShow Availability
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Trains Terminates from Ghazipur City Railway Station | (GCT)

Train No.Train NameArrival TimeDeparture TimeClassesDays Of RunAction
02220SUHAILDEV SF SPL9:30DestinationSUHAILDEV SF SPLShow Availability
02234ANVT GCT SF SPL9:30DestinationANVT GCT SF SPLShow Availability
03121KOAA GCT SPL10:30DestinationKOAA GCT SPLShow Availability
09041BDTS GCT SPL8:20DestinationBDTS GCT SPLShow Availability
13121 KOAA GCT EXPRES10:15Destination KOAA GCT EXPRESShow Availability
14612 SVDK GCT EXP06:00Destination SVDK GCT EXPShow Availability
20941 BDTS GCT SF EXP06:45Destination BDTS GCT SF EXPShow Availability
22323 SHABD BHEDI EXP12:25Destination SHABD BHEDI EXPShow Availability
22420 SUHAILDEV EXP.09:30Destination SUHAILDEV EXP.Show Availability
22434 SUHALDEV EXP09:30Destination SUHALDEV EXPShow Availability
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Ghazipur City Gct Railway Station (station ) Railway Station Trains Time Table

Trains Passing from Ghazipur City Gct Railway Station (station )

Top Train Routes related to GHAZIPUR CITY

Get information about all trains from Ghazipur City Railway Station fast. Here you will get the complete list of trains to Ghazipur City Gct Railway Station. Scroll down to view all the details,which include the arrival and departure times of all trains stopping atGhazipur City Railway Station. It lists the train numbers as well. The trains that connect to Ghazipur City Gct Railway Station are 09042-GCT BDTS SPL, 04534-HARIHAR EXP SPL and22420- SUHAILDEV EXP.

Find details for each Indian Railway train just at a glance. By clicking on a train's name, it will show you the complete schedule for that train. By looking at the train schedule, you find the exact time of the arrival of that particular train to the Ghazipur City Gct Railway Station. On RailMitra, there is also the option to see the live running status of the train. You can also find trains that go to other stations from this site. Click on the Search tab and then enter the information to discover. Therefore, use our services to find the best train for your trip.

This list also gives information on the stopping duration of trains at Ghazipur City Gct Railway Station.Utilize the complete list of trains at Ghazipur City Gct Railway Station to find the availability of berths in various trains. With RailMitra, finding IRCTC trains and booking tickets for your train is easy. Make use of the most up-to-date PNR Prediction to find out your chances of getting confirmation of a waitlisted train ticket. Happy Voyage!