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Simaluguri Jn Railway Station (SLGR)

Simaluguri Jn Railway Station (SLGR) is a major railway station well-connected to all the main cities in India. Check the seat availability, fare, and time table of all trains running from Simaluguri Jn Railway Station. Besides that, you can also check the PNR status for your train ticket on RailMitra.

There are 0 trains originating, 62 trains passing and 0 trains terminating at Simaluguri Jn Railway Station. All the important trains, including Rajadhani, and Duronto originate and terminate from this station.

Simaluguri Jn Railway Station | (SLGR) | TIME TABLE

Trains Originating from Simaluguri Jn Railway Station | (SLGR)

Train No.Train NameArrival TimeDeparture TimeClassesDays Of RunAction
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Trains Passing from Simaluguri Jn Railway Station | (SLGR)

Train No.Train NameArrival TimeDeparture TimeClassesDays Of RunAction
02249SBC NTSK SPECIAL15:2815:33SBC NTSK SPECIALShow Availability
02250NTSK SBC SPECIAL20:3720:42NTSK SBC SPECIALShow Availability
02503DBRG NDLS RAJ21:2021:22DBRG NDLS RAJShow Availability
02504NDLS DBRGRAJ SPL3:513:53NDLS DBRGRAJ SPLShow Availability
03281DBRG RJPB SPL8:038:05DBRG RJPB SPLShow Availability
03282RJPB DBRG SPL19:0419:06RJPB DBRG SPLShow Availability
05604LEDO GHY SPECIAL19:3619:38LEDO GHY SPECIALShow Availability
05901LMG TSK SPECIAL15:1015:15LMG TSK SPECIALShow Availability
05902TSK LMG SPECIAL10:5110:56TSK LMG SPECIALShow Availability
05903DBRG CDG SPECIAL10:2810:30DBRG CDG SPECIALShow Availability
05904CDG DBRG SPL4:534:55CDG DBRG SPLShow Availability
05905CAPE DBRG SPL17:3517:37CAPE DBRG SPLShow Availability
05906DBRG CAPE SPL21:4821:50DBRG CAPE SPLShow Availability
05909DBRG LGH EXPRESS12:4112:43DBRG LGH EXPRESSShow Availability
05910AVADH ASSAM SPL12:4512:47AVADH ASSAM SPLShow Availability
05933NTSK ASR EXPRESS10:2810:30NTSK ASR EXPRESSShow Availability
05934ASR DBRG EXP SPL1:251:27ASR DBRG EXP SPLShow Availability
05959HWH DBRG SPL0:470:52HWH DBRG SPLShow Availability
05960DBRG HWH SPECIAL21:3221:37DBRG HWH SPECIALShow Availability
05968LEDO RNY SPECIAL8:398:41LEDO RNY SPECIALShow Availability
15927RNY-NTSK EXPRESS16:4016:45RNY-NTSK EXPRESSShow Availability
15928NTSK-RNY EXPRESS8:398:44NTSK-RNY EXPRESSShow Availability
02986JP DOUBLE DCKER09:3809:40JP DOUBLE DCKERShow Availability
02987SDAH AJMER SPL20:3020:32SDAH AJMER SPLShow Availability
15645LTT DBRG EXP17:2117:23LTT DBRG EXPShow Availability
15646DBRG LTT EXP08:0508:07DBRG LTT EXPShow Availability
15905DBRG VIVEK EXP17:2117:23DBRG VIVEK EXPShow Availability
15906VIVEK EXPRESS21:5021:52VIVEK EXPRESSShow Availability
05937APDJ DBRG SPL13:2313:25APDJ DBRG SPLShow Availability
05938DBRG APDJ SPL10:1010:12DBRG APDJ SPLShow Availability
05637NHLN SCL SPECIAL16:4216:44NHLN SCL SPECIALShow Availability
05638SCL NHLN SPECIAL01:3301:35SCL NHLN SPECIALShow Availability
07046SC DBRG SPL17:2117:23SC DBRG SPLShow Availability
07047DBRG SC SPECIAL11:4811:50DBRG SC SPECIALShow Availability
13281 DBRG RJPB EXP08:0908:11 DBRG RJPB EXPShow Availability
13282 RJPB DBRG EXP18:3918:41 RJPB DBRG EXPShow Availability
15603 GHY LEDO IC EXP08:4208:44 GHY LEDO IC EXPShow Availability
15604 LEDO GHY IC EXP19:3019:32 LEDO GHY IC EXPShow Availability
15641 BARAK B EXPRESS06:5106:53 BARAK B EXPRESSShow Availability
15642 BARAK B EXPRESS20:2320:28 BARAK B EXPRESSShow Availability
15669 NAGALAND EXP08:0708:12 NAGALAND EXPShow Availability
15670 NAGALAND EXP15:4815:53 NAGALAND EXPShow Availability
15901 LMG TSK SPECIAL15:1115:16 LMG TSK SPECIALShow Availability
15902 TSK LMG SPECIAL10:3310:38 TSK LMG SPECIALShow Availability
15903 DBRG CDG EXP11:4211:44 DBRG CDG EXPShow Availability
15904 CDG DBRG EXP02:3102:33 CDG DBRG EXPShow Availability
15909 AVADH ASSAM EXP12:5212:54 AVADH ASSAM EXPShow Availability
15910 AVADH ASSAM EXP10:3810:40 AVADH ASSAM EXPShow Availability
15933 NTSK ASR EXPRESS11:4211:44 NTSK ASR EXPRESSShow Availability
15934 ASR NTSK EXP01:0001:02 ASR NTSK EXPShow Availability
15945 LTT DIBRUGARH EX16:3916:41 LTT DIBRUGARH EXShow Availability
15946 DBRG LTT EXP08:0908:11 DBRG LTT EXPShow Availability
15959 KAMRUP EXPRESS00:3300:35 KAMRUP EXPRESSShow Availability
15960 KAMRUP EXPRESS21:3321:38 KAMRUP EXPRESSShow Availability
20503 RAJDHANI EXP21:1521:17 RAJDHANI EXPShow Availability
20504 DBRG RAJDHANI02:5502:57 DBRG RAJDHANIShow Availability
22501 NEWTINSUKIA EXP15:2515:30 NEWTINSUKIA EXPShow Availability
22502 NTSK SMVB EXP20:2320:28 NTSK SMVB EXPShow Availability
22503 DBRG VIVEK EXP17:2117:23 DBRG VIVEK EXPShow Availability
22504 VIVEK EXPRESS21:5021:52 VIVEK EXPRESSShow Availability
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Trains Terminates from Simaluguri Jn Railway Station | (SLGR)

Train No.Train NameArrival TimeDeparture TimeClassesDays Of RunAction
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Simaluguri Jn Slgr Railway Station (station ) Railway Station Trains Time Table

Trains Originating from Simaluguri Jn Slgr Railway Station (station )

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Trains Passing from Simaluguri Jn Slgr Railway Station (station )

Trains Terminates from Simaluguri Jn Slgr Railway Station (station )

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Top Train Routes related to SIMALUGURI JN

Get information about all trains from Simaluguri Jn Railway Station fast. Here you will get the complete list of trains to Simaluguri Jn Slgr Railway Station. Scroll down to view all the details,which include the arrival and departure times of all trains stopping atSimaluguri Jn Railway Station. It lists the train numbers as well. The trains that connect to Simaluguri Jn Slgr Railway Station are , 05904-CDG DBRG SPL and

Find details for each Indian Railway train just at a glance. By clicking on a train's name, it will show you the complete schedule for that train. By looking at the train schedule, you find the exact time of the arrival of that particular train to the Simaluguri Jn Slgr Railway Station. On RailMitra, there is also the option to see the live running status of the train. You can also find trains that go to other stations from this site. Click on the Search tab and then enter the information to discover. Therefore, use our services to find the best train for your trip.

This list also gives information on the stopping duration of trains at Simaluguri Jn Slgr Railway Station.Utilize the complete list of trains at Simaluguri Jn Slgr Railway Station to find the availability of berths in various trains. With RailMitra, finding IRCTC trains and booking tickets for your train is easy. Make use of the most up-to-date PNR Prediction to find out your chances of getting confirmation of a waitlisted train ticket. Happy Voyage!