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12947-AZIMABAD EXP Train Schedule

Running Days:SunMonTueWedThuFriSat

Ahmedabad Jn(ADI)Patna Jn (PNBE)

Train Schedule:

Ahmedabad JnADIFirst0 min21.5010
Nadiad JnND22.392 min22.41146
Anand JnANND22.542 min22.56164
Chhayapuri (Vadodara)CYI23.355 min23.40196
Ratlam JnRTM03.1510 min03.252350
Nagda JnNAD04.132 min04.152392
Kota JnKOTA06.2510 min06.352617
Sawai MadhopurSWM07.405 min07.452724
Gangapur CityGGC08.305 min08.352788
Bayana JnBXN10.105 min10.152865
Agra FortAF12.2010 min12.302950
Tundla JnTDL14.055 min14.102972
Kanpur CentralCNB18.4510 min18.5521202
Prayagraj Jn.PRYJ21.2510 min21.3521396
VindhyachalBDL22.432 min22.4521480
Dd Upadhyaya JnDDU00.5010 min01.0031549
BuxarBXR02.032 min02.0531643
AraARA02.502 min02.5231711
DanapurDNR03.252 min03.2731751
Patna JnPNBE04.200 minLast31761
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Train 12947 AZIMABAD EXP runs from Ahmedabad Jn to Patna Jn onMondayWednesday.

AZIMABAD EXP departs from Ahmedabad Jn at 21.50 and reaches to Patna Jn at 04.20 . It takes 00 Hours 00 Minutes to reach from Ahmedabad Jn to Patna Jn. The total distance covered by AZIMABAD EXP is 1761 kilometers.

AZIMABAD EXP passes through 20 stations in 3 days to reach from Ahmedabad Jn to Patna Jn.

12947 AZIMABAD EXP has a maximum halt time of 10 minutes at Ratlam Jn . 12947 AZIMABAD EXP arrives at Ratlam Jn  on 03.15 and departs at 03.25 . You can get down at Ratlam Jn to buy some snacks and refreshments.

Other stations with maximum halt timings are:
Chhayapuri (Vadodara)5 Minutes
Ratlam Jn10 Minutes
Kota Jn10 Minutes
Sawai Madhopur5 Minutes
Gangapur City5 Minutes
Bayana Jn5 Minutes
Agra Fort10 Minutes
Tundla Jn5 Minutes
Kanpur Central10 Minutes
Prayagraj Jn.10 Minutes
Dd Upadhyaya Jn10 Minutes
Food Options in 12947 AZIMABAD EXP
Enjoy a scrumptious assortment of Veg Thali, Non-Veg Thali, Jain Food, Chinese and local delicacies during your journey. Passengers in train can prefer the below-mentioned food delivery in train apps for getting fresh restaurant-style food in train.

Frequently Asked Questions

. From which station does the AZIMABAD EXP ?

. 12947 AZIMABAD EXP starts from Ahmedabad Jn

. What is the time taken by AZIMABAD EXP to reach from Ahmedabad Jn to Patna Jn ?

. 12947 AZIMABAD EXP takes 00 Hours 00 Minutes approx to reach from Ahmedabad Jn to Patna Jn.

. What is the maximum halt time and at which station ?

. Maximum halt time of AZIMABAD EXP train is 10 minutes at Ratlam Jn .

. What is the train schedule of AZIMABAD EXP ?

. AZIMABAD EXP departs from Ahmedabad Jn at 21.50 and reaches at Patna Jn by 04.20.

Related train running from Ahmedabad Jn(ADI)

Related train running from Patna Jn (PNBE)