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68745-GAD R PASS Train Schedule

Running Days:SunMonTueWedThuFriSat

Gevra Road(GAD)Raipur Jn (R)

Train Schedule:

Gevra RoadGADFirst0 min05.5510
KorbaKRBA06.105 min06.1517
UrgaURGA06.221 min06.23115
SaragbundiaSRBA06.291 min06.30121
MadwaraniMWRN06.371 min06.38127
Kothari RoadKTHD06.431 min06.44132
BalpurBPRH06.491 min06.50136
ChampaCPH07.052 min07.07143
Janjgir NailaNIA07.142 min07.16154
Kapan HKPNA07.221 min07.23160
AkaltaraAKT07.292 min07.31169
Kotmi Sonar HKTSH07.381 min07.39175
JairamnagarJRMG07.441 min07.45182
GatoraGTW07.561 min07.57189
Bilaspur JnBSP08.1510 min08.25196
DadhaparaDPH08.381 min08.391103
ChakarbhathaCHBT08.421 min08.431106
BelhaBYL08.481 min08.491112
DagoriDGS08.541 min08.551118
NipaniaNPI09.031 min09.041127
BhataparaBYT09.132 min09.151142
HathbandhHN09.291 min09.301157
TildaTLD09.372 min09.391168
BaikunthBKTH09.441 min09.451172
SilyariSLH09.541 min09.551182
MandharMDH10.031 min10.041193
UrkuraURK10.131 min10.141200
Wrs HWRC10.181 min10.191203
Raipur JnR11.050 minLast1206
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Train 68745 GAD R PASS runs from Gevra Road to Raipur Jn onSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday.

GAD R PASS departs from Gevra Road at 05.55 and reaches to Raipur Jn at 11.05 . It takes 00 Hours 00 Minutes to reach from Gevra Road to Raipur Jn. The total distance covered by GAD R PASS is 206 kilometers.

GAD R PASS passes through 29 stations in 1 days to reach from Gevra Road to Raipur Jn.

68745 GAD R PASS has a maximum halt time of 10 minutes at Bilaspur Jn . 68745 GAD R PASS arrives at Bilaspur Jn  on 08.15 and departs at 08.25 . You can get down at Bilaspur Jn to buy some snacks and refreshments.

Other stations with maximum halt timings are:
Korba5 Minutes
Bilaspur Jn10 Minutes
Food Options in 68745 GAD R PASS
Enjoy a scrumptious assortment of Veg Thali, Non-Veg Thali, Jain Food, Chinese and local delicacies during your journey. Passengers in train can prefer the below-mentioned food delivery in train apps for getting fresh restaurant-style food in train.

Frequently Asked Questions

. From which station does the GAD R PASS ?

. 68745 GAD R PASS starts from Gevra Road

. What is the time taken by GAD R PASS to reach from Gevra Road to Raipur Jn ?

. 68745 GAD R PASS takes 00 Hours 00 Minutes approx to reach from Gevra Road to Raipur Jn.

. What is the maximum halt time and at which station ?

. Maximum halt time of GAD R PASS train is 10 minutes at Bilaspur Jn .

. What is the train schedule of GAD R PASS ?

. GAD R PASS departs from Gevra Road at 05.55 and reaches at Raipur Jn by 11.05.

Related train running from Gevra Road(GAD)

Train No.Train NameArrival TimeDeparture TimeClassesDays Of Run
08239GAD ITR SPLSource18:051A,2A,3A,SL,2SMTWTFSS

Related train running from Raipur Jn (R)