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55708-KIR RDP PASS Train Schedule

Running Days:SunMonTueWedThuFriSat

Katihar Jn(KIR)Radhikapur (RDP)

Train Schedule:

Katihar JnKIRFirst0 min18.4510
ManiyanMIYN18.541 min18.5516
KurethaKUQ19.072 min19.09111
Sahjha HSAJH19.151 min19.16115
Pranpur RoadPQD19.222 min19.24118
LabhaLAV19.332 min19.35123
DillidewanganjDVJ19.411 min19.42127
KumedpurKDPR19.482 min19.50130
Babhabgaon HBAHN19.581 min19.59134
KhurialKWE20.042 min20.06136
Kamalpur HaltKMPH20.111 min20.12139
Azamnagar RoadAZR20.172 min20.19143
Bhawanipur BiharBWPB20.251 min20.26148
MukuriaMFA20.321 min20.33152
Barsoi JnBOE20.412 min20.43156
DhachnaDHNA20.541 min20.55160
KachnaKAU21.171 min21.18166
JhitkiaJTK21.251 min21.26170
RaiganjRGJ21.332 min21.35177
BamangramBMGR21.431 min21.44184
BangalbareeBJY21.491 min21.50187
KaliyaganjKAJ22.002 min22.02197
DalimgaonDLX22.141 min22.151103
RadhikapurRDP22.300 minLast1109
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Train 55708 KIR RDP PASS runs from Katihar Jn to Radhikapur onSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday.

KIR RDP PASS departs from Katihar Jn at 18.45 and reaches to Radhikapur at 22.30 . It takes 00 Hours 00 Minutes to reach from Katihar Jn to Radhikapur. The total distance covered by KIR RDP PASS is 109 kilometers.

KIR RDP PASS passes through 24 stations in 1 days to reach from Katihar Jn to Radhikapur.

55708 KIR RDP PASS has a maximum halt time of 2 minutes at Kuretha . 55708 KIR RDP PASS arrives at Kuretha  on 19.07 and departs at 19.09 . You can get down at Kuretha to buy some snacks and refreshments.

Other stations with maximum halt timings are:
Food Options in 55708 KIR RDP PASS
Enjoy a scrumptious assortment of Veg Thali, Non-Veg Thali, Jain Food, Chinese and local delicacies during your journey. Passengers in train can prefer the below-mentioned food delivery in train apps for getting fresh restaurant-style food in train.

Frequently Asked Questions

. From which station does the KIR RDP PASS ?

. 55708 KIR RDP PASS starts from Katihar Jn

. What is the time taken by KIR RDP PASS to reach from Katihar Jn to Radhikapur ?

. 55708 KIR RDP PASS takes 00 Hours 00 Minutes approx to reach from Katihar Jn to Radhikapur.

. What is the maximum halt time and at which station ?

. Maximum halt time of KIR RDP PASS train is 2 minutes at Kuretha .

. What is the train schedule of KIR RDP PASS ?

. KIR RDP PASS departs from Katihar Jn at 18.45 and reaches at Radhikapur by 22.30.

Related train running from Katihar Jn(KIR)

Related train running from Radhikapur (RDP)