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43823-MSB TRT FAST Train Schedule

Running Days:SunMonTueWedThuFriSat

Chennai Beach Jn(MSB)Tiruttani (TRT)

Train Schedule:

Chennai Beach JnMSBFirst0 min18.3010
RoyapuramRPM18.311 min18.3211
WashermanpetWST18.341 min18.3513
Perambur (Chennai)PER18.391 min18.4017
VillivakkamVLK18.441 min18.45110
AmbatturABU18.491 min18.50116
AvadiAVD18.591 min19.00122
TiruninravurTI19.061 min19.07137
VeppampattuVEU19.091 min19.10140
Sevvapet RoadSVR19.101 min19.11143
Putlur HPTLR19.121 min19.13146
TiruvallurTRL19.141 min19.15149
EgatturEGT19.271 min19.28153
KadambatturKBT19.311 min19.32155
Senji PanambakkamSPAM19.351 min19.36158
ManavurMAF19.391 min19.40162
TiruvalangaduTO19.431 min19.44166
MosurMSU19.491 min19.50171
PuliyamangalamPLMG19.531 min19.54174
ArakkonamAJJ20.082 min20.10176
TiruttaniTRT20.450 minLast189
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Train 43823 MSB TRT FAST runs from Chennai Beach Jn to Tiruttani onSunday.

MSB TRT FAST departs from Chennai Beach Jn at 18.30 and reaches to Tiruttani at 20.45 . It takes 00 Hours 00 Minutes to reach from Chennai Beach Jn to Tiruttani. The total distance covered by MSB TRT FAST is 89 kilometers.

MSB TRT FAST passes through 21 stations in 1 days to reach from Chennai Beach Jn to Tiruttani.

43823 MSB TRT FAST has a maximum halt time of 2 minutes at Arakkonam . 43823 MSB TRT FAST arrives at Arakkonam  on 20.08 and departs at 20.10 . You can get down at Arakkonam to buy some snacks and refreshments.

Other stations with maximum halt timings are:
Food Options in 43823 MSB TRT FAST
Enjoy a scrumptious assortment of Veg Thali, Non-Veg Thali, Jain Food, Chinese and local delicacies during your journey. Passengers in train can prefer the below-mentioned food delivery in train apps for getting fresh restaurant-style food in train.

Frequently Asked Questions

. From which station does the MSB TRT FAST ?

. 43823 MSB TRT FAST starts from Chennai Beach Jn

. What is the time taken by MSB TRT FAST to reach from Chennai Beach Jn to Tiruttani ?

. 43823 MSB TRT FAST takes 00 Hours 00 Minutes approx to reach from Chennai Beach Jn to Tiruttani.

. What is the maximum halt time and at which station ?

. Maximum halt time of MSB TRT FAST train is 2 minutes at Arakkonam .

. What is the train schedule of MSB TRT FAST ?

. MSB TRT FAST departs from Chennai Beach Jn at 18.30 and reaches at Tiruttani by 20.45.

Related train running from Chennai Beach Jn(MSB)

Related train running from Tiruttani (TRT)