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17320-HYB UBL EXP Train Schedule

Running Days:SunMonTueWedThuFriSat

Hyderabad Decan(HYB)Hubballi Jn (UBL)

Train Schedule:

Hyderabad DecanHYBFirst0 min15.5010
BegampetBMT15.591 min16.0016
LingampalliLPI16.241 min16.25124
Vikarabad JnVKB17.101 min17.11174
TandurTDU17.411 min17.421115
SeramSEM18.081 min18.091148
ChittapurCT18.241 min18.251170
WadiWADI19.105 min19.151185
ShahabadSDB19.271 min19.281196
KalaburagiKLBG19.573 min20.001222
Ganagapur RoadGUR20.382 min20.401249
Hotgi (Rev)HG22.1510 min22.251320
Indi RoadIDR23.091 min23.101364
VijayapuraBJP00.055 min00.102414
Basavana Bagevadi RoadBSRX00.511 min00.522458
AlmattiLMT01.131 min01.142476
BagalkotBGK02.005 min02.052511
BadamiBDM02.241 min02.252537
Hole AlurHLAR02.451 min02.462556
Gadag Jn (Rev)GDG04.2010 min04.302604
AnnigeriNGR04.521 min04.532627
Hubballi JnUBL06.350 minLast2662
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Train 17320 HYB UBL EXP runs from Hyderabad Decan to Hubballi Jn onSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday.

HYB UBL EXP departs from Hyderabad Decan at 15.50 and reaches to Hubballi Jn at 06.35 . It takes 00 Hours 00 Minutes to reach from Hyderabad Decan to Hubballi Jn. The total distance covered by HYB UBL EXP is 662 kilometers.

HYB UBL EXP passes through 22 stations in 2 days to reach from Hyderabad Decan to Hubballi Jn.

17320 HYB UBL EXP has a maximum halt time of 10 minutes at Hotgi (Rev) . 17320 HYB UBL EXP arrives at Hotgi (Rev)  on 22.15 and departs at 22.25 . You can get down at Hotgi (Rev) to buy some snacks and refreshments.

Other stations with maximum halt timings are:
Wadi5 Minutes
Hotgi (Rev)10 Minutes
Vijayapura5 Minutes
Bagalkot5 Minutes
Gadag Jn (Rev)10 Minutes
Food Options in 17320 HYB UBL EXP
Enjoy a scrumptious assortment of Veg Thali, Non-Veg Thali, Jain Food, Chinese and local delicacies during your journey. Passengers in train can prefer the below-mentioned food delivery in train apps for getting fresh restaurant-style food in train.

Frequently Asked Questions

. From which station does the HYB UBL EXP ?

. 17320 HYB UBL EXP starts from Hyderabad Decan

. What is the time taken by HYB UBL EXP to reach from Hyderabad Decan to Hubballi Jn ?

. 17320 HYB UBL EXP takes 00 Hours 00 Minutes approx to reach from Hyderabad Decan to Hubballi Jn.

. What is the maximum halt time and at which station ?

. Maximum halt time of HYB UBL EXP train is 10 minutes at Hotgi (Rev) .

. What is the train schedule of HYB UBL EXP ?

. HYB UBL EXP departs from Hyderabad Decan at 15.50 and reaches at Hubballi Jn by 06.35.

Related train running from Hyderabad Decan(HYB)

Related train running from Hubballi Jn (UBL)