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Belapur Railway Station (BAP)

Belapur Railway Station (BAP) is a major railway station well-connected to all the main cities in India. Check the seat availability, fare, and time table of all trains running from Belapur Railway Station. Besides that, you can also check the PNR status for your train ticket on RailMitra.

There are 0 trains originating, 70 trains passing and 0 trains terminating at Belapur Railway Station. All the important trains, including Rajadhani, and Duronto originate and terminate from this station.

Belapur Railway Station | (BAP) | TIME TABLE

Trains Originating from Belapur Railway Station | (BAP)

Train No.Train NameArrival TimeDeparture TimeClassesDays Of RunAction
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Trains Passing from Belapur Railway Station | (BAP)

Train No.Train NameArrival TimeDeparture TimeClassesDays Of RunAction
01033DBG FESTIVAL SPL19:5019:52DBG FESTIVAL SPLShow Availability
01034DBG PUNE SPL2:573:00DBG PUNE SPLShow Availability
01039KOP GONDIA SPL2:232:25KOP GONDIA SPLShow Availability
01040G KOP EXP SPL22:5823:00G KOP EXP SPLShow Availability
01041DR SNSI SPECIAL7:307:32DR SNSI SPECIALShow Availability
01042SNSI DR SPECIAL21:1321:15SNSI DR SPECIALShow Availability
01077PUNE JAT SPL21:0321:05PUNE JAT SPLShow Availability
01078JHELUM COVID11:3011:32JHELUM COVIDShow Availability
02035PUNE NGP SF SPL21:3221:35PUNE NGP SF SPLShow Availability
02036NGP PUNE SF SPL4:334:35NGP PUNE SF SPLShow Availability
02047KOP NZM SF SPL19:5019:52KOP NZM SF SPLShow Availability
02048NZM KOP EXP SPL2:132:15NZM KOP EXP SPLShow Availability
02135BANARAS FES SPL19:5019:52BANARAS FES SPLShow Availability
02136PUNE FESTIVAL SP2:573:00PUNE FESTIVAL SPShow Availability
02149PUNE DNR SPL0:280:30PUNE DNR SPLShow Availability
02150DNR PUNE SPECIAL23:3823:40DNR PUNE SPECIALShow Availability
02279PUNE HWH SPECIAL22:2322:25PUNE HWH SPECIALShow Availability
02280HWH PUNE SPL2:432:45HWH PUNE SPLShow Availability
02729NED FESTIVL SPL1:381:40NED FESTIVL SPLShow Availability
02730NED PUNE SPL5:395:40NED PUNE SPLShow Availability
02779GOA EXPRESS8:288:30GOA EXPRESSShow Availability
02780GOA EXPRESS SPL13:0513:07GOA EXPRESS SPLShow Availability
06237MYS SNSI SPL9:209:22MYS SNSI SPLShow Availability
06238SNSI MYS SPECIAL1:001:02SNSI MYS SPECIALShow Availability
06502YPR ADI FEST SPL9:209:22YPR ADI FEST SPLShow Availability
06527SBC NDLS EXP12:4812:50SBC NDLS EXPShow Availability
06528NDLS SBC SF SPL17:1817:20NDLS SBC SF SPLShow Availability
08229BSP PUNE SF SPL4:334:35BSP PUNE SF SPLShow Availability
08230PUNE BSP SUP SPL21:3221:35PUNE BSP SUP SPLShow Availability
12729HDP NANDED EXP01:3801:40HDP NANDED EXPShow Availability
12730HADAPSAR EXP02:5803:00HADAPSAR EXPShow Availability
16501ADI YPR EXP08:4308:45ADI YPR EXPShow Availability
16502AHMEDABAD EXP09:2009:22AHMEDABAD EXPShow Availability
01135BSL DAUND EXP11:1011:08BSL DAUND EXPShow Availability
01136DAUND BSL EXP14:3014:28DAUND BSL EXPShow Availability
02131PUNE JBP SF SPL15:1015:12PUNE JBP SF SPLShow Availability
02132JBP PUNE SPECIAL02:1302:15JBP PUNE SPECIALShow Availability
11033 DARBHANGA EXP19:5019:52 DARBHANGA EXPShow Availability
11034 DBG PUNE EXP02:5703:00 DBG PUNE EXPShow Availability
11039 MAHARASHTRA EXP02:1802:20 MAHARASHTRA EXPShow Availability
11040 MAHARASHTRA EXP22:5823:00 MAHARASHTRA EXPShow Availability
11041 DR SNSI EXP07:3007:32 DR SNSI EXPShow Availability
11042 SNSI DR EXP21:1321:15 SNSI DR EXPShow Availability
11077 JHELUM EXPRESS21:0321:05 JHELUM EXPRESSShow Availability
11078 JHELUM EXPRESS11:3011:32 JHELUM EXPRESSShow Availability
12129 AZAD HIND EXP22:2322:25 AZAD HIND EXPShow Availability
12130 AZAD HIND EXP02:3802:40 AZAD HIND EXPShow Availability
12135 PUNE NAGPUR EXP21:2221:25 PUNE NAGPUR EXPShow Availability
12136 NGP PUNE SF EXP04:3304:35 NGP PUNE SF EXPShow Availability
12147 KOP NZM SF EXP19:5019:52 KOP NZM SF EXPShow Availability
12148 KOLHAPUR EXPRES02:0802:10 KOLHAPUR EXPRESShow Availability
12149 PUNE DNR EXPRESS00:1800:20 PUNE DNR EXPRESSShow Availability
12150 DNR PUNE EXP23:3823:40 DNR PUNE EXPShow Availability
12627 KARNATAKA EXP12:4812:50 KARNATAKA EXPShow Availability
12628 KARNATAKA EXP17:1817:20 KARNATAKA EXPShow Availability
12779 GOA EXPRESS08:2808:30 GOA EXPRESSShow Availability
12780 GOA EXPRESS13:0313:05 GOA EXPRESSShow Availability
12781 SWARNA JAYANTHI19:5019:52 SWARNA JAYANTHIShow Availability
12782 NZM MYS SF EXP02:0802:10 NZM MYS SF EXPShow Availability
12849 BSP PUNE SF EXP04:3304:35 BSP PUNE SF EXPShow Availability
12850 PUNE BSP SF EXP21:2221:25 PUNE BSP SF EXPShow Availability
16217 MYS SNSI EXP09:2009:22 MYS SNSI EXPShow Availability
16218 SNSI MYSURU EXP00:5801:00 SNSI MYSURU EXPShow Availability
17629 PUNE NANDED EXP01:0001:02 PUNE NANDED EXPShow Availability
17630 NED PUNE EXP00:0800:10 NED PUNE EXPShow Availability
22131 PUNE BANARAS EXP19:5019:52 PUNE BANARAS EXPShow Availability
22132 GYAN GANGA EXP02:5703:00 GYAN GANGA EXPShow Availability
22689 ADI YPR SUP FAST08:4308:45 ADI YPR SUP FASTShow Availability
22690 AHMEDABAD EXP09:2009:22 AHMEDABAD EXPShow Availability
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Trains Terminates from Belapur Railway Station | (BAP)

Train No.Train NameArrival TimeDeparture TimeClassesDays Of RunAction
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Belapur Bap Railway Station (station ) Railway Station Trains Time Table

Trains Originating from Belapur Bap Railway Station (station )

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Trains Passing from Belapur Bap Railway Station (station )

Trains Terminates from Belapur Bap Railway Station (station )

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Top Train Routes related to BELAPUR

Get information about all trains from Belapur Railway Station fast. Here you will get the complete list of trains to Belapur Bap Railway Station. Scroll down to view all the details,which include the arrival and departure times of all trains stopping atBelapur Railway Station. It lists the train numbers as well. The trains that connect to Belapur Bap Railway Station are , 12730-HADAPSAR EXP and

Find details for each Indian Railway train just at a glance. By clicking on a train's name, it will show you the complete schedule for that train. By looking at the train schedule, you find the exact time of the arrival of that particular train to the Belapur Bap Railway Station. On RailMitra, there is also the option to see the live running status of the train. You can also find trains that go to other stations from this site. Click on the Search tab and then enter the information to discover. Therefore, use our services to find the best train for your trip.

This list also gives information on the stopping duration of trains at Belapur Bap Railway Station.Utilize the complete list of trains at Belapur Bap Railway Station to find the availability of berths in various trains. With RailMitra, finding IRCTC trains and booking tickets for your train is easy. Make use of the most up-to-date PNR Prediction to find out your chances of getting confirmation of a waitlisted train ticket. Happy Voyage!