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21107-KURJ MUV LINK EX Train Schedule

Running Days:SunMonTueWedThuFriSat

Khajuraho(KURJ)Manduadih (MUV)

Train Schedule:

KhajurahoKURJFirst0 min23.5010
MahobaMBA00.5018 min01.08264
MataundhMTH01.411 min01.42297
Banda JnBNDA02.228 min02.302117
KhurhandKHU02.511 min02.522136
AtarraATE03.052 min03.072149
Bharat KupBTKP03.261 min03.272171
ChitrakotCKTD03.452 min03.472186
Manikpur JnMKP04.355 min04.402217
DabhauraDBR05.001 min05.012240
BargarhBRG05.171 min05.182256
ShankargarhSRJ05.361 min05.372273
Naini JnNYN06.221 min06.232310
Prayagraj Jn. (Rev)PRYJ06.5020 min07.102318
Prayag JnPRG07.235 min07.282324
Phaphamau JnPFM07.381 min07.392331
PhulpurPLP08.041 min08.052354
UgrasenpurURPR08.141 min08.152363
Janghai JnJNH08.332 min08.352377
SuriawanSAW08.541 min08.552393
BhadohiBOY09.082 min09.102408
ManduadihMUV11.050 minLast2456
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Train 21107 KURJ MUV LINK EX runs from Khajuraho to Manduadih onSundayTuesdayFriday.

KURJ MUV LINK EX departs from Khajuraho at 23.50 and reaches to Manduadih at 11.05 . It takes 00 Hours 00 Minutes to reach from Khajuraho to Manduadih. The total distance covered by KURJ MUV LINK EX is 456 kilometers.

KURJ MUV LINK EX passes through 22 stations in 2 days to reach from Khajuraho to Manduadih.

21107 KURJ MUV LINK EX has a maximum halt time of 20 minutes at Prayagraj Jn. (Rev) . 21107 KURJ MUV LINK EX arrives at Prayagraj Jn. (Rev)  on 06.50 and departs at 07.10 . You can get down at Prayagraj Jn. (Rev) to buy some snacks and refreshments.

Other stations with maximum halt timings are:
Mahoba18 Minutes
Banda Jn8 Minutes
Manikpur Jn5 Minutes
Prayagraj Jn. (Rev)20 Minutes
Prayag Jn5 Minutes
Food Options in 21107 KURJ MUV LINK EX
Enjoy a scrumptious assortment of Veg Thali, Non-Veg Thali, Jain Food, Chinese and local delicacies during your journey. Passengers in train can prefer the below-mentioned food delivery in train apps for getting fresh restaurant-style food in train.

Frequently Asked Questions

. From which station does the KURJ MUV LINK EX ?

. 21107 KURJ MUV LINK EX starts from Khajuraho

. What is the time taken by KURJ MUV LINK EX to reach from Khajuraho to Manduadih ?

. 21107 KURJ MUV LINK EX takes 00 Hours 00 Minutes approx to reach from Khajuraho to Manduadih.

. What is the maximum halt time and at which station ?

. Maximum halt time of KURJ MUV LINK EX train is 20 minutes at Prayagraj Jn. (Rev) .

. What is the train schedule of KURJ MUV LINK EX ?

. KURJ MUV LINK EX departs from Khajuraho at 23.50 and reaches at Manduadih by 11.05.

Related train running from Khajuraho(KURJ)

Related train running from Manduadih (MUV)