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19132-KUTCH EXPRESS Train Schedule

Running Days:

BHUJ (BHUJ)Mumbai Bandra Terminus (BDTS)

Train Schedule:

BHUJBHUJSourceNULL min20:1510
ANJARAJE20:482:00 min20:50142
ADIPURAI20:592:00 min21:01149
GANDHIDHAM BGGIMB21:2025:00:00 min21:45158
BHACHAU BGBCOB22:132:00 min22:15195
SAMAKHIALI B GSIOB22:382:00 min22:401111
MALIYA MIYANAMALB23:132:00 min23:151152
HALVADHVD23:462:00 min23:481197
DHRANGDHRADHG0:192:00 min0:212228
VIRAMGAM JNVG1:392:00 min1:412294
AHMEDABAD JNADI2:5020:00 min3:102359
NADIAD JNND3:542:00 min3:562405
ANAND JNANND4:112:00 min4:132423
VADODARA JNBRC4:575:00 min5:022459
BHARUCH JNBH5:472:00 min5:492529
ANKLESHWAR JNAKV5:582:00 min6:002538
SURATST7:005:00 min7:052588
NAVSARINVS7:262:00 min7:282617
VALSADBL8:012:00 min8:032656
VAPIVAPI8:252:00 min8:272680
BORIVALIBVI10:362:00 min10:382820
BANDRA TERMINUSBDTS11:25NULL minDestinatio2839
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Train 19132 KUTCH EXPRESS runs from BHUJ to Mumbai Bandra Terminus on .

KUTCH EXPRESS departs from BHUJ at 20:15 and reaches to Mumbai Bandra Terminus at 11:25 . It takes n/a n/a to reach from BHUJ to Mumbai Bandra Terminus. The total distance covered by KUTCH EXPRESS is 839 kilometers.

KUTCH EXPRESS passes through 22 stations in 2 days to reach from BHUJ to Mumbai Bandra Terminus.

19132 KUTCH EXPRESS has a maximum halt time of NULL minutes at BHUJ . 19132 KUTCH EXPRESS arrives at BHUJ  on Source and departs at 20:15 . You can get down at BHUJ to buy some snacks and refreshments.

Other stations with maximum halt timings are:
SURAT5 Minutes
Food Options in 19132 KUTCH EXPRESS
Enjoy a scrumptious assortment of Veg Thali, Non-Veg Thali, Jain Food, Chinese and local delicacies during your journey. Passengers in train can prefer the below-mentioned food delivery in train apps for getting fresh restaurant-style food in train.

Frequently Asked Questions

. From which station does the KUTCH EXPRESS ?

. 19132 KUTCH EXPRESS starts from BHUJ

. What is the time taken by KUTCH EXPRESS to reach from BHUJ to Mumbai Bandra Terminus ?

. 19132 KUTCH EXPRESS takes n/a n/a approx to reach from BHUJ to Mumbai Bandra Terminus.

. What is the maximum halt time and at which station ?

. Maximum halt time of KUTCH EXPRESS train is NULL minutes at BHUJ .

. What is the train schedule of KUTCH EXPRESS ?

. KUTCH EXPRESS departs from BHUJ at 20:15 and reaches at Mumbai Bandra Terminus by 11:25.

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