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06136-MTP UAM SPL Train Schedule

Running Days:SunMonTueWedThuFriSat

Mettupalaiyam(MTP)Udagamandalam (UAM)

Train Schedule:

MettupalaiyamMTPFirst0 min07.1010
CoonoorONR10.3010 min10.40128
AravankaduAVK10.591 min11.00132
KettiKXT11.191 min11.20138
LovedaleLOV11.391 min11.40142
UdagamandalamUAM11.550 minLast146
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Train 06136 MTP UAM SPL runs from Mettupalaiyam to Udagamandalam onSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday.

MTP UAM SPL departs from Mettupalaiyam at 07.10 and reaches to Udagamandalam at 11.55 . It takes 00 Hours 00 Minutes to reach from Mettupalaiyam to Udagamandalam. The total distance covered by MTP UAM SPL is 46 kilometers.

MTP UAM SPL passes through 6 stations in 1 days to reach from Mettupalaiyam to Udagamandalam.

06136 MTP UAM SPL has a maximum halt time of 10 minutes at Coonoor . 06136 MTP UAM SPL arrives at Coonoor  on 10.30 and departs at 10.40 . You can get down at Coonoor to buy some snacks and refreshments.

Other stations with maximum halt timings are:
Coonoor10 Minutes
Food Options in 06136 MTP UAM SPL
Enjoy a scrumptious assortment of Veg Thali, Non-Veg Thali, Jain Food, Chinese and local delicacies during your journey. Passengers in train can prefer the below-mentioned food delivery in train apps for getting fresh restaurant-style food in train.

Frequently Asked Questions

. From which station does the MTP UAM SPL ?

. 06136 MTP UAM SPL starts from Mettupalaiyam

. What is the time taken by MTP UAM SPL to reach from Mettupalaiyam to Udagamandalam ?

. 06136 MTP UAM SPL takes 00 Hours 00 Minutes approx to reach from Mettupalaiyam to Udagamandalam.

. What is the maximum halt time and at which station ?

. Maximum halt time of MTP UAM SPL train is 10 minutes at Coonoor .

. What is the train schedule of MTP UAM SPL ?

. MTP UAM SPL departs from Mettupalaiyam at 07.10 and reaches at Udagamandalam by 11.55.

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Related train running from Udagamandalam (UAM)