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05028-GKP DGHR SPECIAL Train Schedule

Running Days:SunMonTueWedThuFriSat

Gorakhpur(GKP)Deoghar (DGHR)

Train Schedule:

GorakhpurGKPFirst0 min20.0010
Chauri ChauraCC20.252 min20.27125
Deoria SadarDEOS21.085 min21.13150
Bhatni JnBTT21.355 min21.40171
MairwaMW22.082 min22.10198
Siwan JnSV22.355 min22.401120
EkmaEKMA23.202 min23.221153
ChhapraCPR00.0510 min00.152180
DighwaraDGA00.452 min00.472211
Sonpur JnSEE01.082 min01.102234
Hajipur JnHJP01.205 min01.252240
DesariDES01.532 min01.552260
Shahpur PatoreeSPP02.152 min02.172277
Bachwara JnBCA02.382 min02.402311
Barauni JnBJU03.1010 min03.202327
Begu SaraiBGS03.402 min03.422342
Sahibpur Kamal JnSKJ04.202 min04.222370
MonghyrMGR05.1010 min05.202382
SultanganjSGG07.155 min07.202419
BhagalpurBGP09.258 min09.332443
BarahatBHLE10.4010 min10.502481
BankaBAKA12.035 min12.082496
DeogharDGHR13.100 minLast2551
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Train 05028 GKP DGHR SPECIAL runs from Gorakhpur to Deoghar onSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday.

GKP DGHR SPECIAL departs from Gorakhpur at 20.00 and reaches to Deoghar at 13.10 . It takes 00 Hours 00 Minutes to reach from Gorakhpur to Deoghar. The total distance covered by GKP DGHR SPECIAL is 551 kilometers.

GKP DGHR SPECIAL passes through 23 stations in 2 days to reach from Gorakhpur to Deoghar.

05028 GKP DGHR SPECIAL has a maximum halt time of 10 minutes at Chhapra . 05028 GKP DGHR SPECIAL arrives at Chhapra  on 00.05 and departs at 00.15 . You can get down at Chhapra to buy some snacks and refreshments.

Other stations with maximum halt timings are:
Deoria Sadar5 Minutes
Bhatni Jn5 Minutes
Siwan Jn5 Minutes
Chhapra10 Minutes
Hajipur Jn5 Minutes
Barauni Jn10 Minutes
Monghyr10 Minutes
Sultanganj5 Minutes
Bhagalpur8 Minutes
Barahat10 Minutes
Banka5 Minutes
Food Options in 05028 GKP DGHR SPECIAL
Enjoy a scrumptious assortment of Veg Thali, Non-Veg Thali, Jain Food, Chinese and local delicacies during your journey. Passengers in train can prefer the below-mentioned food delivery in train apps for getting fresh restaurant-style food in train.

Frequently Asked Questions

. From which station does the GKP DGHR SPECIAL ?

. 05028 GKP DGHR SPECIAL starts from Gorakhpur

. What is the time taken by GKP DGHR SPECIAL to reach from Gorakhpur to Deoghar ?

. 05028 GKP DGHR SPECIAL takes 00 Hours 00 Minutes approx to reach from Gorakhpur to Deoghar.

. What is the maximum halt time and at which station ?

. Maximum halt time of GKP DGHR SPECIAL train is 10 minutes at Chhapra .

. What is the train schedule of GKP DGHR SPECIAL ?

. GKP DGHR SPECIAL departs from Gorakhpur at 20.00 and reaches at Deoghar by 13.10.

Related train running from Gorakhpur(GKP)

Related train running from Deoghar (DGHR)