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16235-TN MYSURU EXP Train Schedule

Running Days:SunMonTueWedThuFriSat

Tuticorin(TN)Mysore Jn (MYS)

Train Schedule:

TuticorinTNFirst0 min17.1510
Vanchi Maniyachchi JnMEJ17.441 min17.45132
KovilpattiCVP18.132 min18.15168
SaturSRT18.332 min18.35189
Virudunagar JnVPT18.582 min19.001116
TirumangalamTMQ19.221 min19.231142
TiruparankundramTDN19.341 min19.351153
Madurai JnMDU20.005 min20.051159
SholavandanSDN20.241 min20.251181
Kodaikkanal RoadKQN20.432 min20.451200
Dindigul JnDG21.223 min21.251225
KarurKRR22.332 min22.351299
PugalurPGR22.491 min22.501314
KodumudiKMD23.041 min23.051326
Erode Jn (Rev)ED00.0510 min00.152365
Salem JnSA01.073 min01.102427
DharmapuriDPJ02.482 min02.502493
PalakkoduPCV03.091 min03.102515
HosurHSRA04.382 min04.402586
KarmelramCRLM05.091 min05.102620
Bangalore EastBNCE05.282 min05.302638
Ksr BengaluruSBC07.0015 min07.152645
KengeriKGI07.341 min07.352657
BidadiBID07.491 min07.502675
RamanagaramRMGM08.001 min08.012689
ChannapatnaCPT08.111 min08.122700
MaddurMAD08.281 min08.292719
MandyaMYA08.461 min08.472738
PandavapuraPANP09.141 min09.152764
Mysore JnMYS10.200 minLast2783
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Train 16235 TN MYSURU EXP runs from Tuticorin to Mysore Jn onSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday.

TN MYSURU EXP departs from Tuticorin at 17.15 and reaches to Mysore Jn at 10.20 . It takes 00 Hours 00 Minutes to reach from Tuticorin to Mysore Jn. The total distance covered by TN MYSURU EXP is 783 kilometers.

TN MYSURU EXP passes through 30 stations in 2 days to reach from Tuticorin to Mysore Jn.

16235 TN MYSURU EXP has a maximum halt time of 15 minutes at Ksr Bengaluru . 16235 TN MYSURU EXP arrives at Ksr Bengaluru  on 07.00 and departs at 07.15 . You can get down at Ksr Bengaluru to buy some snacks and refreshments.

Other stations with maximum halt timings are:
Madurai Jn5 Minutes
Erode Jn (Rev)10 Minutes
Ksr Bengaluru15 Minutes
Food Options in 16235 TN MYSURU EXP
Enjoy a scrumptious assortment of Veg Thali, Non-Veg Thali, Jain Food, Chinese and local delicacies during your journey. Passengers in train can prefer the below-mentioned food delivery in train apps for getting fresh restaurant-style food in train.

Frequently Asked Questions

. From which station does the TN MYSURU EXP ?

. 16235 TN MYSURU EXP starts from Tuticorin

. What is the time taken by TN MYSURU EXP to reach from Tuticorin to Mysore Jn ?

. 16235 TN MYSURU EXP takes 00 Hours 00 Minutes approx to reach from Tuticorin to Mysore Jn.

. What is the maximum halt time and at which station ?

. Maximum halt time of TN MYSURU EXP train is 15 minutes at Ksr Bengaluru .

. What is the train schedule of TN MYSURU EXP ?

. TN MYSURU EXP departs from Tuticorin at 17.15 and reaches at Mysore Jn by 10.20.

Related train running from Tuticorin(TN)

Related train running from Mysore Jn (MYS)