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05045-LKU RJT SPL Train Schedule

Running Days:SunMonTueWedThuFriSat

Lal Kuan(LKU)Rajkot Jn (RJT)

Train Schedule:

Lal KuanLKUFirst0 min13.1010
KichhaKHH13.362 min13.38118
BaheriBHI13.542 min13.56133
Bhojipura JnBPR14.192 min14.21165
IzzatnagarIZN14.402 min14.42177
Bareilly CityBC14.552 min14.57182
BareillyBRY15.054 min15.09185
BudaunBEM15.462 min15.481129
Soron ShukarkshetraSRNK16.382 min16.401173
KasganjKSJ17.0510 min17.151188
Hathras CityHTC18.082 min18.101251
Mathura CantMRT19.032 min19.051291
Mathura JnMTJ19.205 min19.251293
Bharatpur JnBTE21.042 min21.061355
DausaDO23.382 min23.401481
JaipurJP00.3510 min00.452542
Phulera JnFL01.502 min01.522597
Nawa CityNAC02.252 min02.272632
Kuchaman CityKMNC02.412 min02.432648
Makrana JnMKN02.573 min03.002662
Degana JnDNA03.293 min03.322706
Merta Road JnMTD04.055 min04.102751
GotanGOTN04.282 min04.302771
Jodhpur JnJU06.1015 min06.252855
Luni JnLUNI06.573 min07.002886
Samdari JnSMR07.505 min07.552935
MokalsarMKSR08.183 min08.212961
JalorJOR08.453 min08.482994
ModranMON09.253 min09.2821028
Marwar BhinmalMBNL09.493 min09.5221056
RaniwaraRNV10.173 min10.2021088
DhaneraDQN10.562 min10.5821123
Bhildi JnBLDI11.555 min12.0021158
PatanPTN13.182 min13.2021209
Mahesana JnMSH14.102 min14.1221250
SurendranagarSUNR16.022 min16.0421379
Wankaner JnWKR17.302 min17.3221454
Rajkot JnRJT18.100 minLast21495
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Train 05045 LKU RJT SPL runs from Lal Kuan to Rajkot Jn onSunday.

LKU RJT SPL departs from Lal Kuan at 13.10 and reaches to Rajkot Jn at 18.10 . It takes 00 Hours 00 Minutes to reach from Lal Kuan to Rajkot Jn. The total distance covered by LKU RJT SPL is 1495 kilometers.

LKU RJT SPL passes through 38 stations in 2 days to reach from Lal Kuan to Rajkot Jn.

05045 LKU RJT SPL has a maximum halt time of 15 minutes at Jodhpur Jn . 05045 LKU RJT SPL arrives at Jodhpur Jn  on 06.10 and departs at 06.25 . You can get down at Jodhpur Jn to buy some snacks and refreshments.

Other stations with maximum halt timings are:
Kasganj10 Minutes
Mathura Jn5 Minutes
Jaipur10 Minutes
Merta Road Jn5 Minutes
Jodhpur Jn15 Minutes
Samdari Jn5 Minutes
Bhildi Jn5 Minutes
Food Options in 05045 LKU RJT SPL
Enjoy a scrumptious assortment of Veg Thali, Non-Veg Thali, Jain Food, Chinese and local delicacies during your journey. Passengers in train can prefer the below-mentioned food delivery in train apps for getting fresh restaurant-style food in train.

Frequently Asked Questions

. From which station does the LKU RJT SPL ?

. 05045 LKU RJT SPL starts from Lal Kuan

. What is the time taken by LKU RJT SPL to reach from Lal Kuan to Rajkot Jn ?

. 05045 LKU RJT SPL takes 00 Hours 00 Minutes approx to reach from Lal Kuan to Rajkot Jn.

. What is the maximum halt time and at which station ?

. Maximum halt time of LKU RJT SPL train is 15 minutes at Jodhpur Jn .

. What is the train schedule of LKU RJT SPL ?

. LKU RJT SPL departs from Lal Kuan at 13.10 and reaches at Rajkot Jn by 18.10.

Related train running from Lal Kuan(LKU)

Related train running from Rajkot Jn (RJT)