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14619-TRIPURA SUNDARI Train Schedule

Running Days:SunMonTueWedThuFriSat

Agartala(AGTL)Firozpur Cantt Jn (FZR)

Train Schedule:

AgartalaAGTLFirst0 min15.1010
AmbassaABSA16.242 min16.26167
DharmanagarDMR17.552 min17.571140
PatharkandiPTKD18.302 min18.321174
New KarimganjNKMG19.142 min19.161204
Badarpur JnBPB19.5010 min20.001221
New HaflongNHLG22.055 min22.101292
Lumding JnLMG01.1015 min01.252390
HojaiHJI02.202 min02.222435
Jagi RoadJID03.302 min03.322514
GuwahatiGHY05.5015 min06.052571
New BongaigaonNBQ09.255 min09.302779
New JalpaiguriNJP13.3510 min13.4521030
Katihar JnKIR17.1510 min17.2521214
Barauni JnBJU20.0510 min20.1521393
PatliputraPPTA22.3510 min22.4521502
Dd Upadhyaya JnDDU01.5010 min02.0031710
Prayagraj Jn.PRYJ04.005 min04.0531862
Kanpur CentralCNB06.255 min06.3032057
New DelhiNDLS12.3515 min12.5032495
ShakurbastiSSB13.152 min13.1732506
Rohtak JnROK14.082 min14.1032566
BhiwaniBNW15.2025 min15.4532615
HisarHSR16.4010 min16.5032675
Mandi AdampurADR17.152 min17.1732704
SirsaSSA18.205 min18.2532757
KalanwaliKNL18.522 min18.5432790
Bhatinda JnBTI20.2525 min20.5032833
Kot Kapura JnKKP21.242 min21.2632875
FaridkotFDK21.412 min21.4332888
Firozpur Cantt JnFZR22.400 minLast32920
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Train 14619 TRIPURA SUNDARI runs from Agartala to Firozpur Cantt Jn onThursday.

TRIPURA SUNDARI departs from Agartala at 15.10 and reaches to Firozpur Cantt Jn at 22.40 . It takes 00 Hours 00 Minutes to reach from Agartala to Firozpur Cantt Jn. The total distance covered by TRIPURA SUNDARI is 2920 kilometers.

TRIPURA SUNDARI passes through 31 stations in 3 days to reach from Agartala to Firozpur Cantt Jn.

14619 TRIPURA SUNDARI has a maximum halt time of 25 minutes at Bhiwani . 14619 TRIPURA SUNDARI arrives at Bhiwani  on 15.20 and departs at 15.45 . You can get down at Bhiwani to buy some snacks and refreshments.

Other stations with maximum halt timings are:
Badarpur Jn10 Minutes
New Haflong5 Minutes
Lumding Jn15 Minutes
Guwahati15 Minutes
New Bongaigaon5 Minutes
New Jalpaiguri10 Minutes
Katihar Jn10 Minutes
Barauni Jn10 Minutes
Patliputra10 Minutes
Dd Upadhyaya Jn10 Minutes
Prayagraj Jn.5 Minutes
Kanpur Central5 Minutes
New Delhi15 Minutes
Bhiwani25 Minutes
Hisar10 Minutes
Sirsa5 Minutes
Bhatinda Jn25 Minutes
Food Options in 14619 TRIPURA SUNDARI
Enjoy a scrumptious assortment of Veg Thali, Non-Veg Thali, Jain Food, Chinese and local delicacies during your journey. Passengers in train can prefer the below-mentioned food delivery in train apps for getting fresh restaurant-style food in train.

Frequently Asked Questions

. From which station does the TRIPURA SUNDARI ?

. 14619 TRIPURA SUNDARI starts from Agartala

. What is the time taken by TRIPURA SUNDARI to reach from Agartala to Firozpur Cantt Jn ?

. 14619 TRIPURA SUNDARI takes 00 Hours 00 Minutes approx to reach from Agartala to Firozpur Cantt Jn.

. What is the maximum halt time and at which station ?

. Maximum halt time of TRIPURA SUNDARI train is 25 minutes at Bhiwani .

. What is the train schedule of TRIPURA SUNDARI ?

. TRIPURA SUNDARI departs from Agartala at 15.10 and reaches at Firozpur Cantt Jn by 22.40.

Related train running from Agartala(AGTL)

Related train running from Firozpur Cantt Jn (FZR)