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22471-BKN DEE EXP Train Schedule

Running Days:SunMonTueWedThuFriSat

Bikaner Jn(BKN)Delhi S Rohilla (DEE)

Train Schedule:

Bikaner JnBKNFirst0 min09.3010
NapasarNPS09.502 min09.52127
SudsarSDF10.092 min10.11150
Sri DungargarahSDGH10.302 min10.32174
RajaldesarRJR11.032 min11.051121
Ratangarh JnRTGH11.255 min11.301138
ChuruCUR12.055 min12.101181
Sadulpur JnSDLP13.005 min13.051238
Loharu JnLHU13.455 min13.501288
MahendragarhMHRG14.202 min14.221329
RewariRE15.405 min15.451380
GurgaonGGN16.312 min16.331431
Delhi CanttDEC16.482 min16.501448
Delhi S RohillaDEE17.200 minLast1458
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Train 22471 BKN DEE EXP runs from Bikaner Jn to Delhi S Rohilla onSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday.

BKN DEE EXP departs from Bikaner Jn at 09.30 and reaches to Delhi S Rohilla at 17.20 . It takes 00 Hours 00 Minutes to reach from Bikaner Jn to Delhi S Rohilla. The total distance covered by BKN DEE EXP is 458 kilometers.

BKN DEE EXP passes through 14 stations in 1 days to reach from Bikaner Jn to Delhi S Rohilla.

22471 BKN DEE EXP has a maximum halt time of 5 minutes at Ratangarh Jn . 22471 BKN DEE EXP arrives at Ratangarh Jn  on 11.25 and departs at 11.30 . You can get down at Ratangarh Jn to buy some snacks and refreshments.

Other stations with maximum halt timings are:
Ratangarh Jn5 Minutes
Churu5 Minutes
Sadulpur Jn5 Minutes
Loharu Jn5 Minutes
Rewari5 Minutes
Food Options in 22471 BKN DEE EXP
Enjoy a scrumptious assortment of Veg Thali, Non-Veg Thali, Jain Food, Chinese and local delicacies during your journey. Passengers in train can prefer the below-mentioned food delivery in train apps for getting fresh restaurant-style food in train.

Frequently Asked Questions

. From which station does the BKN DEE EXP ?

. 22471 BKN DEE EXP starts from Bikaner Jn

. What is the time taken by BKN DEE EXP to reach from Bikaner Jn to Delhi S Rohilla ?

. 22471 BKN DEE EXP takes 00 Hours 00 Minutes approx to reach from Bikaner Jn to Delhi S Rohilla.

. What is the maximum halt time and at which station ?

. Maximum halt time of BKN DEE EXP train is 5 minutes at Ratangarh Jn .

. What is the train schedule of BKN DEE EXP ?

. BKN DEE EXP departs from Bikaner Jn at 09.30 and reaches at Delhi S Rohilla by 17.20.

Related train running from Bikaner Jn(BKN)

Related train running from Delhi S Rohilla (DEE)