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08420-BBS LTT SUMR SPL Train Schedule

Running Days:SunMonTueWedThuFriSat

Bhubaneswar(BBS)Lokmanyatilak (LTT)

Train Schedule:

BhubaneswarBBSFirst0 min23.0010
Khurda Road JnKUR23.205 min23.25120
BalugaonBALU00.102 min00.12290
ChatrapurCAP00.462 min00.482145
BrahmapurBAM01.032 min01.052166
IchchapuramIPM01.262 min01.282191
SompetaSPT01.412 min01.432209
PalasaPSA03.002 min03.022240
Srikakulam RoadCHE03.512 min03.532313
Vizianagram JnVZM04.4315 min04.582382
KottavalasaKTV05.242 min05.262417
PendurtiPDT05.342 min05.362426
DuvvadaDVD06.455 min06.502447
AnakapalleAKP07.042 min07.062463
EllamanchiiiYLM07.232 min07.252487
TuniTUNI07.512 min07.532527
PithapuramPAP08.232 min08.252568
Samalkot JnSLO08.362 min08.382580
RajamundryRJY09.192 min09.212630
Nidadavolu JnNDD09.572 min09.592653
TadepalligudemTDD10.141 min10.152672
EluruEE10.482 min10.502720
Vijayawada JnBZA12.2220 min12.422780
Guntur JnGNT13.555 min14.002811
SattenapalleSAP14.401 min14.412854
PidugurallaPGRL15.191 min15.202886
Nadikude JnNDKD15.382 min15.402907
MirylagudaMRGA16.091 min16.102945
NalgondaNLDA16.351 min16.362983
PagidipalliPGDP18.102 min18.1221055
Secunderabad JnSC19.2010 min19.3021093
BegampetBMT19.412 min19.4321097
LingampalliLPI20.002 min20.0221115
Vikarabad JnVKB20.432 min20.4521164
TandurTDU21.052 min21.0721206
SeramSEM21.302 min21.3221239
WadiWADI22.555 min23.0021276
KalaburagiKLBG23.382 min23.4021313
Solapur JnSUR01.515 min01.5631426
KurduvadiKWV03.182 min03.2031504
Daund JnDD05.005 min05.0531613
Pune JnPUNE06.305 min06.3531689
LonavlaLNL08.002 min08.0231753
Kalyan JnKYN09.473 min09.5031827
ThaneTNA09.573 min10.0031848
LokmanyatilakLTT10.400 minLast31865
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Train 08420 BBS LTT SUMR SPL runs from Bhubaneswar to Lokmanyatilak onWednesday.

BBS LTT SUMR SPL departs from Bhubaneswar at 23.00 and reaches to Lokmanyatilak at 10.40 . It takes 00 Hours 00 Minutes to reach from Bhubaneswar to Lokmanyatilak. The total distance covered by BBS LTT SUMR SPL is 1865 kilometers.

BBS LTT SUMR SPL passes through 46 stations in 3 days to reach from Bhubaneswar to Lokmanyatilak.

08420 BBS LTT SUMR SPL has a maximum halt time of 20 minutes at Vijayawada Jn . 08420 BBS LTT SUMR SPL arrives at Vijayawada Jn  on 12.22 and departs at 12.42 . You can get down at Vijayawada Jn to buy some snacks and refreshments.

Other stations with maximum halt timings are:
Khurda Road Jn5 Minutes
Vizianagram Jn15 Minutes
Duvvada5 Minutes
Vijayawada Jn20 Minutes
Guntur Jn5 Minutes
Secunderabad Jn10 Minutes
Wadi5 Minutes
Solapur Jn5 Minutes
Daund Jn5 Minutes
Pune Jn5 Minutes
Food Options in 08420 BBS LTT SUMR SPL
Enjoy a scrumptious assortment of Veg Thali, Non-Veg Thali, Jain Food, Chinese and local delicacies during your journey. Passengers in train can prefer the below-mentioned food delivery in train apps for getting fresh restaurant-style food in train.

Frequently Asked Questions

. From which station does the BBS LTT SUMR SPL ?

. 08420 BBS LTT SUMR SPL starts from Bhubaneswar

. What is the time taken by BBS LTT SUMR SPL to reach from Bhubaneswar to Lokmanyatilak ?

. 08420 BBS LTT SUMR SPL takes 00 Hours 00 Minutes approx to reach from Bhubaneswar to Lokmanyatilak.

. What is the maximum halt time and at which station ?

. Maximum halt time of BBS LTT SUMR SPL train is 20 minutes at Vijayawada Jn .

. What is the train schedule of BBS LTT SUMR SPL ?

. BBS LTT SUMR SPL departs from Bhubaneswar at 23.00 and reaches at Lokmanyatilak by 10.40.

Related train running from Bhubaneswar(BBS)

Related train running from Lokmanyatilak (LTT)