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08619-RNC DUMK SPL Train Schedule

Running Days:SunMonTueWedThuFriSat

Ranchi(RNC)Dumka (DUMK)

Train Schedule:

RanchiRNCFirst0 min21.3010
MuriMURI22.352 min22.37162
Bokaro Stl CityBKSC23.405 min23.451115
ChandrapuraCRP00.282 min00.302130
Dhanbad JnDHN02.005 min02.052164
KumardubiKMME02.441 min02.452203
ChittaranjanCRJ03.182 min03.202226
JamtaraJMT03.351 min03.362240
VidyasagarVDS03.541 min03.552258
Madhupur JnMDP04.162 min04.182282
Jasidih JnJSME05.2515 min05.402311
DeogharDGHR05.501 min05.512317
GhormaraGRMA06.091 min06.102337
BasukinathBSKH06.311 min06.322360
JamaJAMA06.431 min06.442370
DumkaDUMK07.250 minLast2383
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Train 08619 RNC DUMK SPL runs from Ranchi to Dumka onSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday.

RNC DUMK SPL departs from Ranchi at 21.30 and reaches to Dumka at 07.25 . It takes 00 Hours 00 Minutes to reach from Ranchi to Dumka. The total distance covered by RNC DUMK SPL is 383 kilometers.

RNC DUMK SPL passes through 16 stations in 2 days to reach from Ranchi to Dumka.

08619 RNC DUMK SPL has a maximum halt time of 15 minutes at Jasidih Jn . 08619 RNC DUMK SPL arrives at Jasidih Jn  on 05.25 and departs at 05.40 . You can get down at Jasidih Jn to buy some snacks and refreshments.

Other stations with maximum halt timings are:
Bokaro Stl City5 Minutes
Dhanbad Jn5 Minutes
Jasidih Jn15 Minutes
Food Options in 08619 RNC DUMK SPL
Enjoy a scrumptious assortment of Veg Thali, Non-Veg Thali, Jain Food, Chinese and local delicacies during your journey. Passengers in train can prefer the below-mentioned food delivery in train apps for getting fresh restaurant-style food in train.

Frequently Asked Questions

. From which station does the RNC DUMK SPL ?

. 08619 RNC DUMK SPL starts from Ranchi

. What is the time taken by RNC DUMK SPL to reach from Ranchi to Dumka ?

. 08619 RNC DUMK SPL takes 00 Hours 00 Minutes approx to reach from Ranchi to Dumka.

. What is the maximum halt time and at which station ?

. Maximum halt time of RNC DUMK SPL train is 15 minutes at Jasidih Jn .

. What is the train schedule of RNC DUMK SPL ?

. RNC DUMK SPL departs from Ranchi at 21.30 and reaches at Dumka by 07.25.

Related train running from Ranchi(RNC)

Related train running from Dumka (DUMK)