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02486-SGNR NED SPL Train Schedule

Running Days:SunMonTueWedThuFriSat

Shri Ganganagar(SGNR)H Sahib Nanded (NED)

Train Schedule:

Shri GanganagarSGNRFirst0 min14.3010
AboharABS15.112 min15.13154
MaloutMOT15.372 min15.39183
GiddarbahaGDB15.552 min15.57199
Bhatinda JnBTI16.3025 min16.551127
Rampura PhulPUL17.222 min17.241159
BarnalaBNN17.512 min17.531192
Dhuri JnDUI18.232 min18.251222
SangrurSAG18.382 min18.401238
Jakhal JnJHL19.484 min19.521288
Jind JnJIND20.392 min20.411360
Rohtak JnROK21.212 min21.231418
New DelhiNDLS23.0015 min23.151489
Mathura JnMTJ00.412 min00.432629
Agra CanttAGC01.205 min01.252683
Gwalior JnGWL02.582 min03.002802
Jhansi JnJHS04.3010 min04.402899
Bina JnBINA06.305 min06.3521051
Bhopal JnBPL08.3510 min08.4521190
Itarsi JnET10.155 min10.2021281
KhandwaKNW13.055 min13.1021465
MalkapurMKU15.232 min15.2521632
Akola JnAK17.0010 min17.1021721
WashimWHM18.091 min18.1021800
Hingoli DeccanHNL18.491 min18.5021848
Purna JnPAU20.2020 min20.4021928
H Sahib NandedNED21.500 minLast21959
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Train 02486 SGNR NED SPL runs from Shri Ganganagar to H Sahib Nanded onTuesdaySaturday.

SGNR NED SPL departs from Shri Ganganagar at 14.30 and reaches to H Sahib Nanded at 21.50 . It takes 00 Hours 00 Minutes to reach from Shri Ganganagar to H Sahib Nanded. The total distance covered by SGNR NED SPL is 1959 kilometers.

SGNR NED SPL passes through 27 stations in 2 days to reach from Shri Ganganagar to H Sahib Nanded.

02486 SGNR NED SPL has a maximum halt time of 25 minutes at Bhatinda Jn . 02486 SGNR NED SPL arrives at Bhatinda Jn  on 16.30 and departs at 16.55 . You can get down at Bhatinda Jn to buy some snacks and refreshments.

Other stations with maximum halt timings are:
Bhatinda Jn25 Minutes
New Delhi15 Minutes
Agra Cantt5 Minutes
Jhansi Jn10 Minutes
Bina Jn5 Minutes
Bhopal Jn10 Minutes
Itarsi Jn5 Minutes
Khandwa5 Minutes
Akola Jn10 Minutes
Purna Jn20 Minutes
Food Options in 02486 SGNR NED SPL
Enjoy a scrumptious assortment of Veg Thali, Non-Veg Thali, Jain Food, Chinese and local delicacies during your journey. Passengers in train can prefer the below-mentioned food delivery in train apps for getting fresh restaurant-style food in train.

Frequently Asked Questions

. From which station does the SGNR NED SPL ?

. 02486 SGNR NED SPL starts from Shri Ganganagar

. What is the time taken by SGNR NED SPL to reach from Shri Ganganagar to H Sahib Nanded ?

. 02486 SGNR NED SPL takes 00 Hours 00 Minutes approx to reach from Shri Ganganagar to H Sahib Nanded.

. What is the maximum halt time and at which station ?

. Maximum halt time of SGNR NED SPL train is 25 minutes at Bhatinda Jn .

. What is the train schedule of SGNR NED SPL ?

. SGNR NED SPL departs from Shri Ganganagar at 14.30 and reaches at H Sahib Nanded by 21.50.

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