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08244-BGKT BSP SF SPL Train Schedule

Running Days:SunMonTueWedThuFriSat

Bhagat Ki Kothi (Jodhpur)(BGKT)Bilaspur Jn (BSP)

Train Schedule:

Bhagat Ki Kothi (Jodhpur)BGKTFirst0 min01.3010
Jodhpur JnJU01.4010 min01.5014
GotanGOTN03.002 min03.02188
Merta Road JnMTD03.385 min03.431108
Degana JnDNA04.163 min04.191153
Makrana JnMKN05.153 min05.181197
Kuchaman CityKMNC05.342 min05.361211
JaipurJP07.3010 min07.401316
DurgapuraDPA07.522 min07.541324
Bansthali NiwaiBNLW08.442 min08.461382
Sawai MadhopurSWM10.1520 min10.351448
Indragarh Sumerganj MandiIDG10.582 min11.001484
Kota JnKOTA11.5010 min12.001555
Ramganj MandiRMA12.482 min12.501628
ShamgarhSGZ13.302 min13.321689
ChaumahlaCMU13.562 min13.581718
Nagda JnNAD15.2015 min15.351780
Ujjain JnUJN16.255 min16.301835
BerchhaBCH17.232 min17.251895
ShujalpurSJP18.002 min18.021939
SehoreSEH18.332 min18.351980
Bhopal JnBPL19.4510 min19.5511019
HabibganjHBJ20.082 min20.1011025
HoshangabadHBD21.122 min21.1411093
Itarsi JnET21.4010 min21.5011110
NagpurNGP02.3515 min02.5021408
Gondia JnG04.462 min04.4821537
Raj NandgaonRJN06.272 min06.2921642
DurgDURG07.155 min07.2021671
Bhilai Power HouseBPHB07.292 min07.3121681
Raipur JnR08.0010 min08.1021708
BhataparaBYT09.022 min09.0421772
Bilaspur JnBSP10.250 minLast21818
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Train 08244 BGKT BSP SF SPL runs from Bhagat Ki Kothi (Jodhpur) to Bilaspur Jn onThursdaySaturday.

BGKT BSP SF SPL departs from Bhagat Ki Kothi (Jodhpur) at 01.30 and reaches to Bilaspur Jn at 10.25 . It takes 00 Hours 00 Minutes to reach from Bhagat Ki Kothi (Jodhpur) to Bilaspur Jn. The total distance covered by BGKT BSP SF SPL is 1818 kilometers.

BGKT BSP SF SPL passes through 33 stations in 2 days to reach from Bhagat Ki Kothi (Jodhpur) to Bilaspur Jn.

08244 BGKT BSP SF SPL has a maximum halt time of 20 minutes at Sawai Madhopur . 08244 BGKT BSP SF SPL arrives at Sawai Madhopur  on 10.15 and departs at 10.35 . You can get down at Sawai Madhopur to buy some snacks and refreshments.

Other stations with maximum halt timings are:
Jodhpur Jn10 Minutes
Merta Road Jn5 Minutes
Jaipur10 Minutes
Sawai Madhopur20 Minutes
Kota Jn10 Minutes
Nagda Jn15 Minutes
Ujjain Jn5 Minutes
Bhopal Jn10 Minutes
Itarsi Jn10 Minutes
Nagpur15 Minutes
Durg5 Minutes
Raipur Jn10 Minutes
Food Options in 08244 BGKT BSP SF SPL
Enjoy a scrumptious assortment of Veg Thali, Non-Veg Thali, Jain Food, Chinese and local delicacies during your journey. Passengers in train can prefer the below-mentioned food delivery in train apps for getting fresh restaurant-style food in train.

Frequently Asked Questions

. From which station does the BGKT BSP SF SPL ?

. 08244 BGKT BSP SF SPL starts from Bhagat Ki Kothi (Jodhpur)

. What is the time taken by BGKT BSP SF SPL to reach from Bhagat Ki Kothi (Jodhpur) to Bilaspur Jn ?

. 08244 BGKT BSP SF SPL takes 00 Hours 00 Minutes approx to reach from Bhagat Ki Kothi (Jodhpur) to Bilaspur Jn.

. What is the maximum halt time and at which station ?

. Maximum halt time of BGKT BSP SF SPL train is 20 minutes at Sawai Madhopur .

. What is the train schedule of BGKT BSP SF SPL ?

. BGKT BSP SF SPL departs from Bhagat Ki Kothi (Jodhpur) at 01.30 and reaches at Bilaspur Jn by 10.25.

Related train running from Bhagat Ki Kothi (Jodhpur)(BGKT)

Related train running from Bilaspur Jn (BSP)