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08234-BSP INDB SPL Train Schedule

Running Days:SunMonTueWedThuFriSat

Bilaspur Jn(BSP)Indore Jn Bg (INDB)

Train Schedule:

Bilaspur JnBSPFirst0 min11.4510
Usalapur (Bilaspur)USL12.055 min12.1019
Pendra RoadPND13.455 min13.501103
Anuppur JnAPR14.355 min14.401154
AmlaiAAL14.512 min14.531166
BurharBUH15.022 min15.041175
ShahdolSDL15.3010 min15.401195
BirsinghpurBRS16.122 min16.141232
NowrozabadNRZB16.222 min16.241239
UmariaUMR16.452 min16.471262
Katni SouthKTES18.405 min18.451322
NiwarNWR18.582 min19.001334
SansarpurSNRR19.082 min19.101341
Sleemanabad RdSBD19.162 min19.181348
Sihora RoadSHR19.382 min19.401373
JabalpurJBP20.4010 min20.501411
BhitoniBHTN21.241 min21.251441
ShridhamSRID21.432 min21.451464
NarsinghpurNU22.082 min22.101495
KareliKY22.232 min22.251511
GadarwaraGAR22.482 min22.501539
Salichauka RoadSCKR22.582 min23.001553
PipariyaPPI23.282 min23.301589
SohagpurSGP23.482 min23.501607
Itarsi JnET01.3010 min01.402656
HoshangabadHBD01.582 min02.002674
Mandi DipMDDP02.532 min02.552732
HabibganjHBJ03.112 min03.132749
Bhopal JnBPL03.2510 min03.352755
SehoreSEH04.492 min04.512793
KalapipalKPP05.172 min05.192822
ShujalpurSJP05.322 min05.342835
AkodiaAKD05.462 min05.482848
Kali SindhKSH06.232 min06.252866
BerchhaBCH06.372 min06.392878
MaksiMKC07.032 min07.052897
Tarana RoadTAN07.122 min07.142907
Ujjain JnUJN08.3515 min08.502938
VikramnagarVRG09.101 min09.112943
DewasDWX09.532 min09.552978
Lakshmibai Nagar (Indore)LMNR10.331 min10.3421014
Indore Jn BgINDB10.550 minLast21017
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Train 08234 BSP INDB SPL runs from Bilaspur Jn to Indore Jn Bg onSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday.

BSP INDB SPL departs from Bilaspur Jn at 11.45 and reaches to Indore Jn Bg at 10.55 . It takes 00 Hours 00 Minutes to reach from Bilaspur Jn to Indore Jn Bg. The total distance covered by BSP INDB SPL is 1017 kilometers.

BSP INDB SPL passes through 42 stations in 2 days to reach from Bilaspur Jn to Indore Jn Bg.

08234 BSP INDB SPL has a maximum halt time of 15 minutes at Ujjain Jn . 08234 BSP INDB SPL arrives at Ujjain Jn  on 08.35 and departs at 08.50 . You can get down at Ujjain Jn to buy some snacks and refreshments.

Other stations with maximum halt timings are:
Usalapur (Bilaspur)5 Minutes
Pendra Road5 Minutes
Anuppur Jn5 Minutes
Shahdol10 Minutes
Katni South5 Minutes
Jabalpur10 Minutes
Itarsi Jn10 Minutes
Bhopal Jn10 Minutes
Ujjain Jn15 Minutes
Food Options in 08234 BSP INDB SPL
Enjoy a scrumptious assortment of Veg Thali, Non-Veg Thali, Jain Food, Chinese and local delicacies during your journey. Passengers in train can prefer the below-mentioned food delivery in train apps for getting fresh restaurant-style food in train.

Frequently Asked Questions

. From which station does the BSP INDB SPL ?

. 08234 BSP INDB SPL starts from Bilaspur Jn

. What is the time taken by BSP INDB SPL to reach from Bilaspur Jn to Indore Jn Bg ?

. 08234 BSP INDB SPL takes 00 Hours 00 Minutes approx to reach from Bilaspur Jn to Indore Jn Bg.

. What is the maximum halt time and at which station ?

. Maximum halt time of BSP INDB SPL train is 15 minutes at Ujjain Jn .

. What is the train schedule of BSP INDB SPL ?

. BSP INDB SPL departs from Bilaspur Jn at 11.45 and reaches at Indore Jn Bg by 10.55.

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