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02814-BGM BBS SPL Train Schedule

Running Days:SunMonTueWedThuFriSat

Belagavi(BGM)Bhubaneswar (BBS)

Train Schedule:

BelagaviBGMFirst0 min07.3010
Londa JnLD08.202 min08.22151
Alanavar JnLWR08.591 min09.00185
DharwadDWR09.382 min09.401122
Hubballi JnUBL10.0510 min10.151142
Gadag JnGDG11.082 min11.101200
KoppalKBL12.002 min12.021257
MunirabadMRB12.202 min12.221279
Hosapete JnHPT12.325 min12.371285
Toranagallu JnTNGL13.032 min13.051318
Bellary JnBAY14.355 min14.401350
Guntakal JnGTL15.4530 min16.151401
Dhone JnDHNE17.082 min17.101469
NandyalNDL18.305 min18.351545
Guntur JnGNT23.302 min23.321802
Vijayawada JnBZA00.4510 min00.552834
EluruEE01.402 min01.422893
RajamundryRJY03.152 min03.172983
DuvvadaDVD06.055 min06.1021167
PendurtiPDT06.552 min06.5721188
Vizianagram JnVZM07.3010 min07.4021231
Srikakulam RoadCHE08.402 min08.4221301
PalasaPSA09.452 min09.4721373
BrahmapurBAM10.405 min10.4521447
Khurda Road JnKUR13.155 min13.2021594
BhubaneswarBBS14.300 minLast21613
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Train 02814 BGM BBS SPL runs from Belagavi to Bhubaneswar onMonday.

BGM BBS SPL departs from Belagavi at 07.30 and reaches to Bhubaneswar at 14.30 . It takes 00 Hours 00 Minutes to reach from Belagavi to Bhubaneswar. The total distance covered by BGM BBS SPL is 1613 kilometers.

BGM BBS SPL passes through 26 stations in 2 days to reach from Belagavi to Bhubaneswar.

02814 BGM BBS SPL has a maximum halt time of 30 minutes at Guntakal Jn . 02814 BGM BBS SPL arrives at Guntakal Jn  on 15.45 and departs at 16.15 . You can get down at Guntakal Jn to buy some snacks and refreshments.

Other stations with maximum halt timings are:
Hubballi Jn10 Minutes
Hosapete Jn5 Minutes
Bellary Jn5 Minutes
Guntakal Jn30 Minutes
Nandyal5 Minutes
Vijayawada Jn10 Minutes
Duvvada5 Minutes
Vizianagram Jn10 Minutes
Brahmapur5 Minutes
Khurda Road Jn5 Minutes
Food Options in 02814 BGM BBS SPL
Enjoy a scrumptious assortment of Veg Thali, Non-Veg Thali, Jain Food, Chinese and local delicacies during your journey. Passengers in train can prefer the below-mentioned food delivery in train apps for getting fresh restaurant-style food in train.

Frequently Asked Questions

. From which station does the BGM BBS SPL ?

. 02814 BGM BBS SPL starts from Belagavi

. What is the time taken by BGM BBS SPL to reach from Belagavi to Bhubaneswar ?

. 02814 BGM BBS SPL takes 00 Hours 00 Minutes approx to reach from Belagavi to Bhubaneswar.

. What is the maximum halt time and at which station ?

. Maximum halt time of BGM BBS SPL train is 30 minutes at Guntakal Jn .

. What is the train schedule of BGM BBS SPL ?

. BGM BBS SPL departs from Belagavi at 07.30 and reaches at Bhubaneswar by 14.30.

Related train running from Belagavi(BGM)

Related train running from Bhubaneswar (BBS)