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05614-MZS KYQ SPECIAL Train Schedule

Running Days:SunMonTueWedThuFriSat

Murkeongselek(MZS)Guwahati (GHY)

Train Schedule:

MurkeongselekMZSFirst0 min20.2010
TelamTQM20.432 min20.45125
Simen ChapariSMCP20.572 min20.59138
SilapatharSPTR21.202 min21.22162
DhemajiDMC21.442 min21.46185
BordolaniBDLN21.592 min22.01198
GogamukhGOM22.132 min22.151111
North LakhimpurNLP23.105 min23.151154
HarmutiHMY00.035 min00.082184
GohpurGPZ00.402 min00.422225
Vishwanath CharaliVNE01.302 min01.322276
Rangapara NorthRPAN02.4010 min02.502327
MajbatMJBT03.412 min03.432367
UdalguriULG04.072 min04.092389
TanglaTNL04.292 min04.312412
Rangiya JnRNY05.2025 min05.452450
KamakhyaKYQ07.345 min07.392491
GuwahatiGHY08.350 minLast2498
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Train 05614 MZS KYQ SPECIAL runs from Murkeongselek to Guwahati onSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday.

MZS KYQ SPECIAL departs from Murkeongselek at 20.20 and reaches to Guwahati at 08.35 . It takes 00 Hours 00 Minutes to reach from Murkeongselek to Guwahati. The total distance covered by MZS KYQ SPECIAL is 498 kilometers.

MZS KYQ SPECIAL passes through 18 stations in 2 days to reach from Murkeongselek to Guwahati.

05614 MZS KYQ SPECIAL has a maximum halt time of 25 minutes at Rangiya Jn . 05614 MZS KYQ SPECIAL arrives at Rangiya Jn  on 05.20 and departs at 05.45 . You can get down at Rangiya Jn to buy some snacks and refreshments.

Other stations with maximum halt timings are:
North Lakhimpur5 Minutes
Harmuti5 Minutes
Rangapara North10 Minutes
Rangiya Jn25 Minutes
Kamakhya5 Minutes
Food Options in 05614 MZS KYQ SPECIAL
Enjoy a scrumptious assortment of Veg Thali, Non-Veg Thali, Jain Food, Chinese and local delicacies during your journey. Passengers in train can prefer the below-mentioned food delivery in train apps for getting fresh restaurant-style food in train.

Frequently Asked Questions

. From which station does the MZS KYQ SPECIAL ?

. 05614 MZS KYQ SPECIAL starts from Murkeongselek

. What is the time taken by MZS KYQ SPECIAL to reach from Murkeongselek to Guwahati ?

. 05614 MZS KYQ SPECIAL takes 00 Hours 00 Minutes approx to reach from Murkeongselek to Guwahati.

. What is the maximum halt time and at which station ?

. Maximum halt time of MZS KYQ SPECIAL train is 25 minutes at Rangiya Jn .

. What is the train schedule of MZS KYQ SPECIAL ?

. MZS KYQ SPECIAL departs from Murkeongselek at 20.20 and reaches at Guwahati by 08.35.

Related train running from Murkeongselek(MZS)

Train No.Train NameArrival TimeDeparture TimeClassesDays Of Run
05613KYQ MZS SPECIAL7:45Destination2A,3A,SL,2SMTWTFSS
15613 LACHIT EXPRESS07:50Destination1A,2A,3A,SL,2SMTWTFSS
15895 RNY MZS EXPRESS19:15Destination2SMTWTFSS

Related train running from Guwahati (GHY)