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56909-HOSPET PASSR Train Schedule

Running Days:SunMonTueWedThuFriSat

Ksr Bengaluru(SBC)Hosapete Jn (HPT)

Train Schedule:

Ksr BengaluruSBCFirst0 min20.1510
MalleswaramMWM20.211 min20.2213
Yasvantpur JnYPR20.302 min20.3216
ChikbanavarBAW20.411 min20.42114
DodbeleDBL20.591 min21.00137
KyatsandraKIAT21.282 min21.30164
TumkurTK21.372 min21.39170
GubbiGBB21.591 min22.00187
AmmasandraAMSA22.221 min22.231114
TipturTTR22.462 min22.481140
Arsikere JnASK23.155 min23.201166
KadurDRU00.032 min00.052205
Birur JnRRB00.152 min00.172211
AjjampurAJP00.341 min00.352229
ShivaniSHV00.461 min00.472240
Hosadurga RoadHSD00.581 min00.592250
RamagiriRGI01.101 min01.112260
HolalkereHLK01.231 min01.242270
Chikjajur JnJRU01.455 min01.502280
AmritapuraAMC02.091 min02.102292
ChitradurgCTA02.382 min02.402313
BalenahalliBAHI03.041 min03.052334
ChallakereCHKE03.231 min03.242348
TalakuTHKU03.421 min03.432363
MolakalmuruMOMU04.211 min04.222396
RayadurgRDG04.552 min04.572411
SomalapuramSLM05.111 min05.122433
Bellary Jn (Rev)BAY06.0515 min06.202464
Bellary CanttBYC06.291 min06.302469
KudatiniKDN06.541 min06.552484
DarojiDAJ07.081 min07.092491
Toranagallu JnTNGL07.261 min07.272497
GadiganuruGNR07.401 min07.412504
Hosapete JnHPT08.450 minLast2529
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Train 56909 HOSPET PASSR runs from Ksr Bengaluru to Hosapete Jn onSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday.

HOSPET PASSR departs from Ksr Bengaluru at 20.15 and reaches to Hosapete Jn at 08.45 . It takes 00 Hours 00 Minutes to reach from Ksr Bengaluru to Hosapete Jn. The total distance covered by HOSPET PASSR is 529 kilometers.

HOSPET PASSR passes through 34 stations in 2 days to reach from Ksr Bengaluru to Hosapete Jn.

56909 HOSPET PASSR has a maximum halt time of 15 minutes at Bellary Jn (Rev) . 56909 HOSPET PASSR arrives at Bellary Jn (Rev)  on 06.05 and departs at 06.20 . You can get down at Bellary Jn (Rev) to buy some snacks and refreshments.

Other stations with maximum halt timings are:
Arsikere Jn5 Minutes
Chikjajur Jn5 Minutes
Bellary Jn (Rev)15 Minutes
Food Options in 56909 HOSPET PASSR
Enjoy a scrumptious assortment of Veg Thali, Non-Veg Thali, Jain Food, Chinese and local delicacies during your journey. Passengers in train can prefer the below-mentioned food delivery in train apps for getting fresh restaurant-style food in train.

Frequently Asked Questions

. From which station does the HOSPET PASSR ?

. 56909 HOSPET PASSR starts from Ksr Bengaluru

. What is the time taken by HOSPET PASSR to reach from Ksr Bengaluru to Hosapete Jn ?

. 56909 HOSPET PASSR takes 00 Hours 00 Minutes approx to reach from Ksr Bengaluru to Hosapete Jn.

. What is the maximum halt time and at which station ?

. Maximum halt time of HOSPET PASSR train is 15 minutes at Bellary Jn (Rev) .

. What is the train schedule of HOSPET PASSR ?

. HOSPET PASSR departs from Ksr Bengaluru at 20.15 and reaches at Hosapete Jn by 08.45.

Related train running from Ksr Bengaluru(SBC)

Related train running from Hosapete Jn (HPT)