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58425-KDJR-BBS FAST PASSENGER Train Schedule

Running Days:SunMonTueWedThuFriSat

Kendujhargarh(KDJR)Bhubaneswar (BBS)

Train Schedule:

KENDUJHARKDJRSource0 min06:3010
NARANPURNANR06:381:00 min06:3916
BASANTAPURBSTP06:501:00 min06:51115
SITABINJSTBJ07:041:00 min07:05128
NILAKANTHESWAR ASTHANKW07:161:00 min07:17139
HARI CHANDANPURHCNR07:351:00 min07:36150
CHILIKIDARACLDR07:501:00 min07:51160
SAGADAPATASGDP08:011:00 min08:02171
TANGIRI APALTGRL08:191:00 min08:20188
TOMKATMKA08:311:00 min08:32198
BAGHUAPALBGPL08:451:00 min08:461107
SUKINDA ROADSKND09:001:00 min09:011115
JAKHAPURAJKPR09:205:00 min09:251123
JENAPURJEN09:331:00 min09:341131
DHANMANDALDNM09:461:00 min09:471151
KAPILAS ROADKIS10:071:00 min10:081172
CUTTACKCTC10:305:00 min10:351187
KATHA JORIKTJI10:401:00 min10:411189
GOPALPUR BALKDAGBK10:471:00 min10:481191
BARANGBRAG10:561:00 min10:571198
PATIA HALTPTAB11:091:00 min11:101204
MANCHESWARMCS11:151:00 min11:161207
BANI BIHARBNBH11:211:00 min11:221211
BHUBANESWARBBS11:300 minDestination1214
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Train 58425 KDJR-BBS FAST PASSENGER runs from Kendujhargarh to Bhubaneswar onSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday.

KDJR-BBS FAST PASSENGER departs from Kendujhargarh at 06:30 and reaches to Bhubaneswar at 11:30 . It takes 5 Hours 0 Minutes to reach from Kendujhargarh to Bhubaneswar. The total distance covered by KDJR-BBS FAST PASSENGER is 214 kilometers.

KDJR-BBS FAST PASSENGER passes through 24 stations in 1 days to reach from Kendujhargarh to Bhubaneswar.

58425 KDJR-BBS FAST PASSENGER has a maximum halt time of 5 minutes at JAKHAPURA . 58425 KDJR-BBS FAST PASSENGER arrives at JAKHAPURA  on 09:20 and departs at 09:25 . You can get down at JAKHAPURA to buy some snacks and refreshments.

Other stations with maximum halt timings are:
CUTTACK5 Minutes
Food Options in 58425 KDJR-BBS FAST PASSENGER
Enjoy a scrumptious assortment of Veg Thali, Non-Veg Thali, Jain Food, Chinese and local delicacies during your journey. Passengers in train can prefer the below-mentioned food delivery in train apps for getting fresh restaurant-style food in train.

Frequently Asked Questions

. From which station does the KDJR-BBS FAST PASSENGER ?

. 58425 KDJR-BBS FAST PASSENGER starts from Kendujhargarh

. What is the time taken by KDJR-BBS FAST PASSENGER to reach from Kendujhargarh to Bhubaneswar ?

. 58425 KDJR-BBS FAST PASSENGER takes 5 Hours 0 Minutes approx to reach from Kendujhargarh to Bhubaneswar.

. What is the maximum halt time and at which station ?

. Maximum halt time of KDJR-BBS FAST PASSENGER train is 5 minutes at JAKHAPURA .

. What is the train schedule of KDJR-BBS FAST PASSENGER ?

. KDJR-BBS FAST PASSENGER departs from Kendujhargarh at 06:30 and reaches at Bhubaneswar by 11:30.

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