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02720-HYB JP SPL Train Schedule

Running Days:SunMonTueWedThuFriSat

Hyderabad Decan(HYB)Jaipur (JP)

Train Schedule:

Hyderabad DecanHYBFirst0 min20.2510
Secunderabad JnSC20.478 min20.55110
KamareddiKMC22.191 min22.201119
NizamabadNZB23.032 min23.051170
Mudkhed JnMUE00.482 min00.502259
H Sahib NandedNED01.182 min01.202281
Purna JnPAU02.0020 min02.202312
BasmatBMF02.391 min02.402334
Hingoli DeccanHNL03.241 min03.252392
WashimWHM04.041 min04.052440
Akola JnAK05.405 min05.452519
MalkapurMKU06.491 min06.502608
KhandwaKNW09.373 min09.402775
Itarsi JnET12.0010 min12.102959
Bhopal JnBPL13.5510 min14.0521057
Ujjain JnUJN16.555 min17.0021241
Ratlam JnRTM18.5025 min19.1521337
MandsorMDS20.232 min20.2521421
NimachNMH21.162 min21.1821470
ChittaurgarhCOR23.0510 min23.1521526
BhilwaraBHL00.105 min00.1531580
Ajmer JnAII02.4510 min02.5531711
Phulera JnFL04.082 min04.1031791
JaipurJP05.250 minLast31846
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Train 02720 HYB JP SPL runs from Hyderabad Decan to Jaipur onMondayWednesday.

HYB JP SPL departs from Hyderabad Decan at 20.25 and reaches to Jaipur at 05.25 . It takes 00 Hours 00 Minutes to reach from Hyderabad Decan to Jaipur. The total distance covered by HYB JP SPL is 1846 kilometers.

HYB JP SPL passes through 24 stations in 3 days to reach from Hyderabad Decan to Jaipur.

02720 HYB JP SPL has a maximum halt time of 25 minutes at Ratlam Jn . 02720 HYB JP SPL arrives at Ratlam Jn  on 18.50 and departs at 19.15 . You can get down at Ratlam Jn to buy some snacks and refreshments.

Other stations with maximum halt timings are:
Secunderabad Jn8 Minutes
Purna Jn20 Minutes
Akola Jn5 Minutes
Itarsi Jn10 Minutes
Bhopal Jn10 Minutes
Ujjain Jn5 Minutes
Ratlam Jn25 Minutes
Chittaurgarh10 Minutes
Bhilwara5 Minutes
Ajmer Jn10 Minutes
Food Options in 02720 HYB JP SPL
Enjoy a scrumptious assortment of Veg Thali, Non-Veg Thali, Jain Food, Chinese and local delicacies during your journey. Passengers in train can prefer the below-mentioned food delivery in train apps for getting fresh restaurant-style food in train.

Frequently Asked Questions

. From which station does the HYB JP SPL ?

. 02720 HYB JP SPL starts from Hyderabad Decan

. What is the time taken by HYB JP SPL to reach from Hyderabad Decan to Jaipur ?

. 02720 HYB JP SPL takes 00 Hours 00 Minutes approx to reach from Hyderabad Decan to Jaipur.

. What is the maximum halt time and at which station ?

. Maximum halt time of HYB JP SPL train is 25 minutes at Ratlam Jn .

. What is the train schedule of HYB JP SPL ?

. HYB JP SPL departs from Hyderabad Decan at 20.25 and reaches at Jaipur by 05.25.

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