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64514-NLDM UMB MEMU Train Schedule

Running Days:SunMonTueWedThuFriSat

Nangal Dam(NLDM)Ambala Cant Jn (UMB)

Train Schedule:

Nangal DamNLDMFirst0 min05.5010
Anandpur SahibANSB06.082 min06.10120
Kiratpur SahibKART06.262 min06.28128
BharatgarhBARJ06.362 min06.38137
GhanauliGANL06.481 min06.49147
Roop NagarRPAR06.582 min07.00156
MianpurMNPR07.091 min07.10163
KuraliKRLI07.191 min07.20172
MorindaMRND07.291 min07.30180
New MorindaNMDA07.351 min07.36183
NoganwanNGWN07.511 min07.52189
Bassi PathananBSPN07.591 min08.00196
Fatehgarh SahibFGSB08.071 min08.081100
Sirhind JnSIR08.194 min08.231104
Sadhoo GarhSDY08.351 min08.361112
Sarai BanjaraSBJ08.431 min08.441120
Rajpura JnRPJ08.502 min08.521129
SambhuSMU09.011 min09.021140
Ambala CityUBC09.092 min09.111150
Ambala Cant JnUMB09.300 minLast1157
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Train 64514 NLDM UMB MEMU runs from Nangal Dam to Ambala Cant Jn onSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday.

NLDM UMB MEMU departs from Nangal Dam at 05.50 and reaches to Ambala Cant Jn at 09.30 . It takes 00 Hours 00 Minutes to reach from Nangal Dam to Ambala Cant Jn. The total distance covered by NLDM UMB MEMU is 157 kilometers.

NLDM UMB MEMU passes through 20 stations in 1 days to reach from Nangal Dam to Ambala Cant Jn.

64514 NLDM UMB MEMU has a maximum halt time of 4 minutes at Sirhind Jn . 64514 NLDM UMB MEMU arrives at Sirhind Jn  on 08.19 and departs at 08.23 . You can get down at Sirhind Jn to buy some snacks and refreshments.

Other stations with maximum halt timings are:
Food Options in 64514 NLDM UMB MEMU
Enjoy a scrumptious assortment of Veg Thali, Non-Veg Thali, Jain Food, Chinese and local delicacies during your journey. Passengers in train can prefer the below-mentioned food delivery in train apps for getting fresh restaurant-style food in train.

Frequently Asked Questions

. From which station does the NLDM UMB MEMU ?

. 64514 NLDM UMB MEMU starts from Nangal Dam

. What is the time taken by NLDM UMB MEMU to reach from Nangal Dam to Ambala Cant Jn ?

. 64514 NLDM UMB MEMU takes 00 Hours 00 Minutes approx to reach from Nangal Dam to Ambala Cant Jn.

. What is the maximum halt time and at which station ?

. Maximum halt time of NLDM UMB MEMU train is 4 minutes at Sirhind Jn .

. What is the train schedule of NLDM UMB MEMU ?

. NLDM UMB MEMU departs from Nangal Dam at 05.50 and reaches at Ambala Cant Jn by 09.30.

Related train running from Nangal Dam(NLDM)

Related train running from Ambala Cant Jn (UMB)