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19011-GUJARAT EXPRESS Train Schedule

Running Days:

Mumbai Central(BCT)Ahmedabad Junction (ADI)

Train Schedule:

DADARDDR5:552:00 min5:5716
BORIVALIBVI6:252:00 min6:27130
BOISARBOR7:262:00 min7:28199
DAHANU ROADDRD7:472:00 min7:491120
UMBARGAM ROADUBR8:162:00 min8:181140
BHILADBLD8:312:00 min8:331157
VAPIVAPI8:432:00 min8:451170
UDVADAUVD8:542:00 min8:561178
VALSADBL9:165:00 min9:211194
BILIMORA JNBIM9:332:00 min9:351212
NAVSARINVS9:502:00 min9:521233
SURATST10:235:00 min10:281263
KIMKIM10:462:00 min10:481286
KOSAMBA JNKSB10:552:00 min10:571294
ANKLESHWAR JNAKV11:092:00 min11:111312
BHARUCH JNBH11:232:00 min11:251322
PALEJPLJ11:422:00 min11:441347
MIYAGAM KARJANMYG11:552:00 min11:571362
VADODARA JNBRC12:325:00 min12:371392
ANAND JNANND13:102:00 min13:121427
KANJARI BORIYAVKBRV13:182:00 min13:201435
NADIAD JNND13:322:00 min13:341446
MHMDVD KHEDA RDMHD13:462:00 min13:481463
BAREJADIBJD13:582:00 min14:001475
MANINAGARMAN14:212:00 min14:231488
AHMEDABAD JNADI14:40NULL minDestinatio1491
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Train 19011 GUJARAT EXPRESS runs from Mumbai Central to Ahmedabad Junction on .

GUJARAT EXPRESS departs from Mumbai Central at 5:45 and reaches to Ahmedabad Junction at 14:40 . It takes n/a n/a to reach from Mumbai Central to Ahmedabad Junction. The total distance covered by GUJARAT EXPRESS is 491 kilometers.

GUJARAT EXPRESS passes through 27 stations in 1 days to reach from Mumbai Central to Ahmedabad Junction.

19011 GUJARAT EXPRESS has a maximum halt time of NULL minutes at MUMBAI CENTRAL . 19011 GUJARAT EXPRESS arrives at MUMBAI CENTRAL  on Source and departs at 5:45 . You can get down at MUMBAI CENTRAL to buy some snacks and refreshments.

Other stations with maximum halt timings are:
VALSAD5 Minutes
SURAT5 Minutes
Food Options in 19011 GUJARAT EXPRESS
Enjoy a scrumptious assortment of Veg Thali, Non-Veg Thali, Jain Food, Chinese and local delicacies during your journey. Passengers in train can prefer the below-mentioned food delivery in train apps for getting fresh restaurant-style food in train.

Frequently Asked Questions

. From which station does the GUJARAT EXPRESS ?

. 19011 GUJARAT EXPRESS starts from Mumbai Central

. What is the time taken by GUJARAT EXPRESS to reach from Mumbai Central to Ahmedabad Junction ?

. 19011 GUJARAT EXPRESS takes n/a n/a approx to reach from Mumbai Central to Ahmedabad Junction.

. What is the maximum halt time and at which station ?

. Maximum halt time of GUJARAT EXPRESS train is NULL minutes at MUMBAI CENTRAL .

. What is the train schedule of GUJARAT EXPRESS ?

. GUJARAT EXPRESS departs from Mumbai Central at 5:45 and reaches at Ahmedabad Junction by 14:40.

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