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74201-PBH-LKO DMU Train Schedule

Running Days:SunMonTueWedThuFriSat

Partapgarh Junction(PBH)Lucknow (LKO)

Train Schedule:

PARTAPGARH JNPBHSource0 min05:0010
CHILBILA JNCIL05:091:00 min05:1014
JAGESHARGANJJGJ05:171:00 min05:18113
ANTUANTU05:251:00 min05:26121
SAHAJIPUR HALTSHJP05:301:00 min05:31125
MISRAULIMFL05:361:00 min05:37129
AMETHIAME05:422:00 min05:44135
TALAKHAJURITLKH05:511:00 min05:52143
GAURIGANJGNG05:581:00 min05:59148
BANIBANI06:061:00 min06:07157
KASIMPURKCJ06:131:00 min06:14164
JAISJAIS06:201:00 min06:21166
FURSATGANJFTG06:291:00 min06:30177
RUPAMAURUM06:371:00 min06:38186
RAE BARELI JNRBL07:283:00 min07:31195
GANGAGANJGANG07:401:00 min07:411103
HARCHANDPURHCP07:491:00 min07:501110
KUNEANGANJKVG07:541:00 min07:551116
BACHHRAWANBCN08:191:00 min08:201126
SHRIRAJNAGARSAGR08:391:00 min08:401132
NIGOHANNHN08:541:00 min08:551137
KANKAHAKKAH09:051:00 min09:061144
MOHANLALGANJMLJ09:421:00 min09:431152
UTRAHTIAUTR10:011:00 min10:021161
LUCKNOWLKO10:400 minDestination1173
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Train 74201 PBH-LKO DMU runs from Partapgarh Junction to Lucknow onMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday.

PBH-LKO DMU departs from Partapgarh Junction at 05:00 and reaches to Lucknow at 10:40 . It takes 5 Hours 40 Minutes to reach from Partapgarh Junction to Lucknow. The total distance covered by PBH-LKO DMU is 173 kilometers.

PBH-LKO DMU passes through 25 stations in 1 days to reach from Partapgarh Junction to Lucknow.

74201 PBH-LKO DMU has a maximum halt time of 3 minutes at RAE BARELI JN . 74201 PBH-LKO DMU arrives at RAE BARELI JN  on 07:28 and departs at 07:31 . You can get down at RAE BARELI JN to buy some snacks and refreshments.

Other stations with maximum halt timings are:
Food Options in 74201 PBH-LKO DMU
Enjoy a scrumptious assortment of Veg Thali, Non-Veg Thali, Jain Food, Chinese and local delicacies during your journey. Passengers in train can prefer the below-mentioned food delivery in train apps for getting fresh restaurant-style food in train.

Frequently Asked Questions

. From which station does the PBH-LKO DMU ?

. 74201 PBH-LKO DMU starts from Partapgarh Junction

. What is the time taken by PBH-LKO DMU to reach from Partapgarh Junction to Lucknow ?

. 74201 PBH-LKO DMU takes 5 Hours 40 Minutes approx to reach from Partapgarh Junction to Lucknow.

. What is the maximum halt time and at which station ?

. Maximum halt time of PBH-LKO DMU train is 3 minutes at RAE BARELI JN .

. What is the train schedule of PBH-LKO DMU ?

. PBH-LKO DMU departs from Partapgarh Junction at 05:00 and reaches at Lucknow by 10:40.

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